Інструменти доступності

  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18


Academy of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine

Alina Kvitka

Problem setting and its relation to actual tasks. Teaching English language to future officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine is determined by the specificity of their future profession and the peculiarities of the vocabulary that future officers should study. Informative tools are used in order to boost mastering foreign language, to use an individual approach of studying, to improve the quality and speed of language studying and to develop future officers’ speech. In today’s context, it is necessary to research the peculiarities and forms of teaching using informative and computer technologies in order to improve the quality of English language studying by future officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine.

Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Issues of applying informative and computer technologies and reforming educational system are defined by the following scientific developments in this field: 1) researching problems of using computer technologies during the educational process (A.F. Aspitska, B. Herushynskyi, B. Hlinskyi, T. Derkach, T. Korshuk, I. Kuzmina, S. Kukharonok, T. Lavina, S. Lazarenko, M. Lapchyk, V. Liaudis, Z. Osada, L. Morska, Ya. Strelchuk, etc.); 2) studying psychological and pedagogical aspects of informatization of education (N. Apatova, V. Bolotov, Yu. Branovskyi, T. Korshuk); 3) using multimedia technologies in the process of studying English language was investigated by I. Bielikova, V. Korzh, and I. Chekhmestruk.

The purpose of the research is to analyze the peculiarities of using informative technologies in order to teach English language to future officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine.

Conclusions. Thus, using informative and computer technologies during the future officers’ of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine educational process helps to create the conditions for: using electronic lecturers, simulators, textbooks, encyclopedias; developing and applying situational role-playing and intellectual games using artificial intelligence; modeling and creating processes and phenomena, educational environments that provide imaginary participating in certain social and industrial situations; providing distance learning; conducting interactive educational teleconferences; constructing systems of control and testing cadets’ knowledge and skills (use of control programs-tests) [1, p. 212];
implementing cadets’ projective and research activities; varying the forms of information presentation (text, graphics, audio, video, animation, etc.) and the types of educational tasks; providing instant feedback, utilizing extensive dialogues of the studying process; individualizing the studying process, using basic and auxiliary teaching influences; reproducing the fragments of educational activity (subject-content, subject-operating and reflexive) [3, p. 165]; intensifying cadets’ educational work, strengthening their role as a subject of educational activity (possibility to choose the sequence of studying the material, determining the extent and nature of assistance); increasing motivation for studying; implementing personality-oriented studying; organizing cadets’ independent work; implementing active approach in studying; continuous accounting of cadets’ activity and objective assessment of their knowledge [4].

We came to the conclusion that using informative and computer technologies makes it easier to study the material and to deepen future officers’ of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine academic knowledge while studying English language. Among the forms of studying and new technologies that we consider to be the most widely used are the following: multimedia, special computer programmes and tools.


1. Aspitskaya А.F. Ispolzovaniye informatsionno-kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy pri obuchenii khimii : metodicheskoye posobiye [Using Informative and Communicative Technologies in Chemistry Education: textbook] / А.F. Aspitskaya, L.V. Kirsberg. – М. : BINOS. Laboratoriya znaniy, 2009. – 356 s.

2. Bielikova I. Multymediini zasoby navchannia - zaporuka pidvyshchennia yakosti vyvchennia inozemnykh mov u vnz [Multimedia learning tools - the key to improving the quality of foreign languages ​​studying at higher educational establishments] / I. Bielikova // Teoriia ta metodyka upravlinnia osvitoyu. − 2013. − Vyp. 12. − Rezhym dostupu: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/ttmuo_2013_12_5.

3. Derkach Т. Informatsiini tekhnolohii u vykladanni khimichnykh dystsyplin : navch.-metod. posib. [Information technologies in teaching chemical disciplines: textbook]. / Т.М. Derkach. − D. : Vyd-vо DNU, 2008. − 336 s.

4. Korshuk Т.L. Vykorystannia informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh tekhnolohii dlia pidvyshchennia vmotyvovanosti studentiv / T. L. Korshuk // VII Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna Internet – konferentsiia "Suchasni metody vykladannia inozemnoi movy profesiinoho spriamuvannia u vyshchii shkoli” [Using informative and communicative technologies in order to increase students’ motivation. VII International Scientific and Practical Internet - Conference "Modern Methods of Teaching Foreign Language of Professional Direction in Higher School"]. [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu:  http://confesp.fl.kpi.ua/node/1145.

5. Moshinskaya Ye.Yu. Izucheniye terminologii pri podgotovke kadrov dlia pravookhranitelnoy sistemy [Studying terminology while training staff for the law enforcement system]. [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: http://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13824.

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