Yaroslav Chernyonkov
(Kirovograd, Ukraine)
У статті проаналізовано поняття «педагогічне середовище університету», його характеристики і найголовніше вплив на систему професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя іноземних мов у вищих навчальних педагогічних закладах. Автором було ґрунтовно досліджено зміст та структуру даного поняття; визначено та описано основні типи впливових середовищ взаємодії та професійної підготовки (педагогічне, освітянське, мовне, лінгводидактичне, спеціально створене); окреслено основні компоненти досліджуваного утворення (спеціально створеного середовища); проаналізовано найефективніші впливи даної «педагогічної системи». В рамках докторського дисертаційного дослідження було проведено черговий етап педагогічного експерименту (вплив спеціального середовища) на базі двох ВНЗ: Одеського та Кіровоградського вишів.
Ключові слова: середовище, педагогічне середовище, освітнє середовище, мовне середовище, лінгводидактичне середовище, середовище професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя іноземних мов, умови професійної підготовки, міждисциплінарна інтеграція змісту вищої педагогічної освіти.
В статье проанализировано понятие «педагогическая среда университета», его характеристики и самое главное влияние на систему профессиональной подготовки будущего учителя иностранных языков в высших учебных педагогических заведениях. Автором было основательно исследовано содержание и структуру данного понятия; определены и описаны основные типы влиятельных сред взаимодействия и профессиональной подготовки (педагогическая, образовательная, языковая, лингводидактическая, специально созданная); очерчены основные компоненты исследуемого образования (специально созданной среды); проанализированы эффективные влияния данной «педагогической системы». В рамках докторского диссертационного исследования был проведен очередной этап педагогического эксперимента (влияние специальной среды) на базе двух вузов: Одесского и Кировоградского.
Ключевые слова: среда, педагогическая среда, образовательная среда, языковая среда, лингводидактическая среда, среда профессиональной подготовки будущего учителя иностранных языков, условия профессиональной подготовки, междисциплинарная интеграция содержания высшего педагогического образования.
It has been analyzed the concept of "pedagogical university’s environment", its characteristics and the most important influence on the system of training of future teachers of foreign languages an high school’s educational institutes. The author has been thoroughly researched the content and the structure of this concept; defined and described the main types of the influential environments and the professional training (pedagogical, educational, speech, langua-didactical, specially created); outlined the main components of the studied formation (specially created environment); analyzed the impact of the most effective "pedagogical system". According to the doctoral dissertation research was it has been conducted the next stage of the pedagogical experiment (the influence of special environment) at the two universities: Odessa and Kirovograd universities.
Key words: environment, pedagogical environment, educational environment, language environment, lingua-didactical environment, environment of training of the future teachers of foreign languages, conditions of training, interdisciplinary integration of content of the high school education.
Defining of the problem and the analysis of the last researches and publications.One of the priorities of European education is to train future teachers of foreign languages. A lot of scientists, educators around the world work out this issue because only qualified teacher can promote the full development of the student. That is why the transformation processes taking place at this stage of higher education, which aim is to improve and standardize the system of training teachers of foreign languages in all European countries, thereby ensuring unity of basic principles in this area of professional formation.
The increase interconnection between the countries and nations of the modern world, the rapidly fluid processes of globalization and informatization naturally lead to a growing interest in studying the international experience in various areas of public life, including the education. Analysis of dynamic development western-European educational systems gives the reason to believe that the Bologna process occurring unification of national educational standards, diversification of educational models, improving learning technologies. In this connection a new question is about the teaching and learning of foreign languages. The problems of language pedagogical education in Europe has traditionally been in the field of Ukrainian researchers. In particular, the trends in the development of European training teachers were investigated by (L.P. Puhovska), the main priorities for training and retraining of teachers of foreign languages of UK (V.M. Bazurina), the conceptual foundations of education reform in Britain (G.A. Aleksevich), the problems of reforming school education in English-speaking countries in the context of globalization (A.A. Sbruyeva), the challenges of the contemporary language education in Europe (O.Ya. Kovalenko) and others.
In modern conditions of rapid integration in education, the Committee of Ministers sees a priority in the study and teaching of modern European languages such as:
- increased use of foreign languages in teaching non-verbal (non- linguistic) subjects such as history, geography, mathematics and others; and providing favorable conditions for this activity; working models between EU countries in the field of linguistic exchanges by students to enable everyone to use authentic materials for study and active use
- broad support for a new approach to the study of foreign languages within the concept personal education (lifelong learning) by providing the necessary material (resource) framework;
- gradual improvement of foreign language from the "threshold level " the ability to communicate (a degree of communicative ability) [6: 33-37].
The training of foreign language teachers is paid much attention to such European documents and reports: report of the European Commission "Training teachers of foreign languages results in Europe" (2003), Recommendations of National Council of Teachers of English (2006), The study of the International Academy of Education and the International Bureau of Education "Vocational training teachers and its development" (2008), the "European Center of Professional Education" (2009), the Council of Europe report "Results of the strategic European cooperation in education and training" (2009).
Thus, in view of the common European educational policy emphases training teachers of a foreign language are: methodical preparation, possession of key competencies sufficient language skills to successfully use it in training activities and the implementation of the European dimension of education. In practice the implementation of these conditions is carried through: bilingual and multilingual approaches to training the teacher of foreign languages; introduction of modern information technologies, open and distance learning in the process of training the teachers and providing the future teachers by the knowledge of these technologies; improving the competence of teachers of foreign languages on the language and culture which they are studying; establishing cooperation with educational institutions and universities to train future teachers of foreign languages; practice of language learning in the country the language of which is studied; Europeanisation and internationalization of training teachers of foreign languages and more.
Renewing the content of foreign language speech education against the background of globalization and the integration of Ukraine into the world educational space increases the requirements for the formation professional teacher’s competence. Master's level of competence which is said as a result of the educational process meets the national standards of foreign language teacher training and in potentially may gradually rise during special organized training and learning under the influence of the achievements of modern linguistics and methods in the field of professional language education (M.A. Ariyan, O.B. Bihych, N.F. Borysko, N.D. Gal’skova, N.F. K oryakovtseva, R.P. Milrud, S. Yu. Nikolaeva, Yu. I. Passov, V.V. Safonov, N.G. Sokolova, O.M.. Solovova, T.Yu. Tambovkina, O.M. Trubitsina, A.M. Shchukin, N.V. Yazykova, J. Appel , R. Arends, A. Doff, D. Frieman, J. Hedge, E. Hutchinson, T. Hutchinson, W. Littlewood, M.J. Wallace, W. Wilen, N. Whitney.
The specificity of the educational environment and various aspects of environmental issues are reflected in the works of D.B. Belyaev, V.S. Bibler, V.G. Bocharova, Yu.S Brodskyi, R.B. Vendrovskyi, N.A. Vyunov, N.A Vetlugina, V.G. Vorontsov, Z.A. Galaguzova, S.D. Deryabko, M.N. Knyazeva, V.A. Kozyrev, N.B. Krylova, T.N. Mal’kovskyi, Yu.S. Maynulova, L.I. Novikova, V.A. Petrovskyi, V.Z. Ravkin, P.I. Rokitinskyi, V.D. Semenova, M.M. Skatkina, V.I. Slobodchikov, Yu. V. Sychov, F.A. Fradkin, B.C. Shakurov, V.A. Yasvin.
New aspects of the problems were identified in the study the "didactic computer environments" (Ye.V. Danyl’chuk, O. M. Korotkov, A. V. Petrov), "ethnocultural media" (G.N. Volkov, O.D. Mukaeva, A.B. Pan’kin). Historiographical analysis shows that the problem is considered multidimensional learning environment, in the context of the humanization of the environment (Ye.N. Shyyanov) and the interaction of different types of environments (N.A. Yunova); proved methods of designing environments with different focus – on the development of giftedness (N. O. Gafurova), with multicultural (O.V. Gukalenko) and professional (T. V. Chernikova) orientation; was developed creating a comfortable, adaptive, dialogic (S.V. Belova) and other media. Especially the methodology of the environmental approach was discussed by (Yu. S. Manuilov, V.V. Serikov). However, despite the impressive number of scientific publications on specific aspects of the pedagogical potential of the medium, its functions and structure, many significant issues remain unresolved, including the question of the educational environment of high school as a professional – and personal-developmental phenomenon.
Various aspects of the training of teachers of foreign languages were studied by foreign scholars: G. Burke, E. Wolfe, J. Cooper, B. Rosne, R. Hauston, W. Hunter, E. Short and others. The works of many local professionals were dedicated to the clarification of the many challenges of training teachers of foreign languages in the United States, in particular, I. Pasynkova (organizational and pedagogical foundations of professional bachelors of arts degree in foreign language), N. Bidyuk, M. Radyshevska, L. Cherniy (competence approach in professional training of future foreign language teachers); D. Zaika (computer supporting the learning of foreign languages in American universities).
The actuality of the article was stipulated for the need to analyze the impact of specially created educational environment for training the future teachers of foreign languages (in the limits of pedagogical experiment of the doctoral dissertation). However, the integration aspects of this environment in higher educational institutions of Ukraine remain undeveloped (Foreign Languages Departments), in which modern advancements of informational-communicative technologies of practice and training in foreign universities would be taken into account.
The purpose of writing the article. The purposeof this writing is - to identify the main aspects of educational-experimental environment for training future teachers of foreign languages in the conditions of pedagogical universities. The tasks of this research are to analyze and generalize the basic and secondary effects of the environment on training the future teachers of foreign languages in a specially-created environment on the basis of two educational institutions (Kirovograd Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University and Odessa National University named after I.I.Mechnikov).
The main material.The term "environment" is not clear and unambiguous definitions in the world of science. In the most general sense of "environment" is understood as the surroundings.
The explanatory dictionary gives the following justification for the notion of "environment": surrounding, a set of natural and social conditions, as well as a set of people linked by common these conditions, which is the activity of human society organisms [4].
In its turn, the "pedagogical environment" is specifically, according to the teaching objectives, organized system of interpersonal relations and attitudes to the world [1].
In this context, we consider the identical concepts: "educational environment", "language environment", "lingua-didactic environment, own "specially-created environment for training the future teachers of foreign languages."
In pedagogy "the educational environment" is referred to a set of conditions that affect the formation and functioning the people in society, on the visual environment and human personality, its abilities, needs, interests and consciousness. [2: 229-236].
"Language environment " is the concrete information space that surrounds everyday life. Being in a such space the people have to adapt to its requirements in order its behavior in this environment was adequate. [3: 306-310].
"Lingua-didactic environment" is the methodical makings; the special environment; "methodical system, which was created by the aim to study on the basis of objective reality" and that specifically promotes the second language personality. [3: 310-313].
Analyzing all the above, we should note that the actual "specially-created environment for training the future teachers of foreign languages", in our opinion, is a complex, poly-category educational system that subjugates certain pedagogical conditions and consists of a number of minor scientific environments: pedagogical; education; speech; lingua-didactic and identifies, defines, promotes and motivate the preparatory-information interaction of the structure "environment of the Universities (Faculty of Foreign Languages) - future teacher of foreign languages - a teacher of foreign languages.
Considering all the above, we target our activities on how to determine the real impact of our created environment (within the limits of our pedagogical experiment) for the training of students (future teachers of foreign languages). Selection of educational objectives is based on the individual characteristics and interests of students, contributing to the individualization of training content.
At the beginning of our experimental study for all the students of all universities which were investigated by us, was proposed to participate in a general survey information to identify their knowledge and readiness of the problem of the experiment. In particular, our first survey was concerned on the students' knowledge about the role of the environment, the effective impact on the professional training, the conditions for the development and improvement of students in this educational system.
To increase the efficiency of this study we have developed: the model and the system of training the future teachers of foreign languages, pedagogical conditions, system of criteria and indicators. We conducted the repeated research of the students on the final stages of our pedagogical experiment to confirm the efficiency of our research (effective character of the environment of higher education institution)
Here are the overall results of the survey on the example of Kirovograd Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University and Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
I. Cognitive unit:
1. What do you mean by the term "pedagogical environment"?
2. "Specially created environment for training the future teachers of foreign languages": - is:
üa system of influences and conditions of forming the personality and the opportunities for its development, which are in socially and spatially-subjective surroundings (V.A. Yasvin);
üset of natural, physical and social objects and subjects which influence on the formation of the student, on his creative, professional and personal development; promote the formation of the intersubjective interactions and personally oriented teaching communications in the educational process; provide the comfortable conditions for student life at the educational institution and beyond (O.I. Yazykov);
ü different set of conditions that affect the personality of the student during the performing the professional functions (V.V. Yagoupov);
üartificially constructed system, the structure and the components of which create the necessary conditions for achieving the objectives of training and educational process (V.Yu. Bykov);
ü macroenvironment of the University in which is made the comparison of educational space and pedagogical environment through impacts on the individuality (A.V. Mudryk);
ücomplex, poly-category educational system that subjugates certain pedagogical conditions and consists of a number of minor scientific environments: pedagogical; education; speech; lingua-didactic and identifies, defines, promotes and motivate the preparatory-information interaction of the structure "environment of the Universities (Faculty of Foreign Languages) - future teacher of foreign languages - a teacher of foreign languages (Ya.O. Chernyonkov)
II. The control unit:
1. What, in your opinion, are effective tools to organize environmental training of future specialists:
2. What type of environment (pedagogical, educational, speech, lingua-didactical, specially created) is, in your opinion, better forprofessional training and why?
III. Productive unit:
1. Discover your own created an ideal environment for training the future teachers of foreign languages:
After analyzing the answers of the future teachers (we interviewed 100 students in both universities) it should be noted:
I. Cognitive unit:
1. Under the essence of the concept of "pedagogical environment" the students understand:
the student's surrounding social world -50%; a set of conditions of being a student in a group - 85%; system that combines studying and upbringing - 87%; conditions that facilitate faster and more efficient development and improvement of the future specialist in a branch of education - 98%; modernization of forms and methods of training and education - 64%; the microenvironment, where students are being taught and being upbrought - 95%; university environment - 90%. (We served the answers that received the highest percentage).
2. "Specially created environment for training the future teachers of foreign languages" according to students opinions - option 1 - (5%), option 2 - (5%), option 3 - (20%), option 4 - (30%), Option 5 - (30%), version 6 - (10%). (The results of the experimental group in 2010).
After the introduction of our pedagogical experiment on training future teachers of foreign languages in a specially created environment experimental group results in 2014 have the following nature: option 1 - (2%), option 2 - (5%), option 3 - (5%) Option 4 - (12%), Option 5 - (18%), version 6 - (58%). We can observe a significant change in priorities of the students towards version 6.
II. The control unit:
1. The most effective means to organize the environment of training the future specialists (according to students’ answers) are: innovative technologies (90%); modern methods of study ((87%), information and communication component (92%) speech environment (100%), distance education (56%), individual training (79%). (The results which scored the highest percentage).
2. The most effective type of powerful environment for training the future teachers of foreign languages (according to students’ answers) in 2010 are: pedagogical - 25%, educational - 20%, speech - 38%, langua-didactical - 10% specially created - 7%. By results of 2014 88% of students indicated that the most effective type of environment for training future specialists of foreign languages is a totality of all researched environments !!!
III. Productive unit:
The approximate description of ones created an ideal environment for training future teachers of foreign languages in 2010 were able to submit 22% of students of the experimental group. According to the results of 2014 (after participating in the experiment) own-scale description of the special created environment were able to provide 68% of the researched students.
Conclusions and recommendations for further research. We understand that our observation is only part of the research program of this problem that we created. Further research we see in the analysis of pedagogical conditions of training future teachers of foreign languages at the high school.
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Yaroslav Chernyonkov – candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of the department of lingua-didactics and foreign languages of Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko; Doctor of Philosophy;
Scientific interests: processes of individualization of training future teachers of foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages at the non-language faculties; formation of future teachers of foreign languages.
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