UDC 378:37. 048. 4
Tsarenko Irina
Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University
named by Volodymyr Vynnychenko
The reform of higher education according to the adopted laws provides for active involvement of pedagogical specialists, that requires the professional pedagogical competence of future teachers of labor training [2].
In conditions of market relations, the activity of the teacher is the continuous improvement of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, the practice of professional training of future teachers of labor training shows the disadvantages that consist of professional and pedagogical incompetence during interaction with students and other teachers. Therefore, the actual problem is formation the professional-pedagogical competence of future teachers of labor training, which includes the ability to collective actions; the level of interpersonal skills, the ability to work in a team and resolve conflicts.
- N. Nychalko, E. Pavlyutenkova and other determine professional competence by the diversity of professional activity. In scientific works, pedagogical competence is considered as a qualitative indicator of professional knowledge of the teacher and the ability to implement them [3].
The purpose of the research is to determine the peculiarities of formation the professional competence of future teachers of labor training.
In the preparation process of future teachers of labor training, it is necessary to form the key professional and pedagogical competencies that characterize the readiness of a specialist to solve professional problems in the modern conditions of education modernization. Analysis of literature has shown that for teachers of labor training there are special competencies, therefore their professional competence must be formed taking into account the interconnection of key and special competencies.
At the same time, the teacher of labor training should not only teach the pupils certain labor operations and techniques, but also to form a technically educated person, that is able to adapt in the modern technological environment. Therefore, in our opinion, it is necessary to determine the conditions for successful formation the professional and pedagogical competence of teachers of labor training. To such conditions we include: the formation of a worldview and orientation of personality individual, on which students learn the knowledge and skills; development of professional abilities and professionally meaningful personality traits in the context of gaining pedagogical experience; individually-differentiated approach in the educational process. We agree with O. Sevastyanova, B. Krischuk and others that the concrete ways of formation the professional and pedagogical competence of students of institutions of higher education can be:
- including of the problems of vocational and pedagogical competence in research programs and curricula for preparation of specialists;
- holding of scientific-theoretical conferences and seminars on topical problems of formation of professional-pedagogical competence;
- Adjustment and harmonization of the content of education, curricula and programs in order to focus on the components of the teacher's professional and pedagogical competence of future teachers;
- scientific and methodological supporting of training of teachers taking into account the main types of competences of future specialists;
- development and introduction of new methods of training and education in order to form a competitive specialist in the educational branch;
- studying of innovative pedagogical experience, adaptation of the best examples of the formation of pedagogical competence;
- effective application of innovative educational technologies [1].
Therefore, the implementation of these directions will contribute to the formation of professional and pedagogical competence for future teachers of labor training, in particular: will enable the effective use of the acquired professional knowledge, skills and abilities in practical activities; to realize existing creative potential; objectively evaluate their own professional activities; to use innovative educational technologies.
The educational-qualification characteristic of the teacher of labor training summarizes the content of the acquired education, reflects the goals of professional preparation and the requirements for its professional and pedagogical competence. Therefore, the pedagogical institution of higher education should solve the task of updating the content of scientific and methodological work with pedagogical staff. It should also pay attention to the problem of the formation of the content of professional education based on a competent approach as a scientifically grounded system of didactic and methodically executed educational material for specialists of the corresponding educational-qualification levels.
- Concept of pedagogical competence of future teachers in the system of step by step training of specialists of the initial level of education / L. V. Banashko, O. M. Sevastianova, B. S. Kryshchuk, S. I. Tafintseva – Access Mode: http://www.kgpa.km.ua. – Name from screen.
- The National Doctrine of the Development of Ukrainian Education in the 21st Century: approved by the Decree of President of Ukraine from 17.04. 2002 р. № 347 // Osvita,
- Skvortsova S.O. Types of professional competence of the teacher / S.О. Skvortsova // Science and education. – 2009. – №10. – S. 153-156.
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