• вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18


Islam Yousef, Lunhol Olha

Donetsk national medical university

According to the Law of Ukraine «On Education» (05.09.2017 № 2145-VIII), article 17 «Higher education», the purpose of higher education is the receipt of a high level of scientific and/or creative artistic, professional and general competencies necessary for the activity in a certain specialty or in a certain field of knowledge [4]. Without a deep knowledge of the physical properties of the functioning and operation of medical equipment, it is impossible to achieve a high level of professional competence of future dental doctors. One of the modern stomatological devices, which recently appeared in some offices of our city Kropivnitsky, is an apexlocator (or Electronic apex locator). The purpose of this research is to study the physical fundamentals of the functioning and the peculiarities of the apex locator use in the classes on medical and biological physics.


Додати коментар

0 # Helga 18.04.2018, 20:54
For the competent apply and use of electrical equipment in dentistry, physicians should know the operating principle of the equipment. Studies that conduct Islam Yousef and Lunhol Olha are very important in medical education.
0 # Людмила Суховірська 18.04.2018, 20:34
The profession of a dentist requires from the future graduate of a medical university the availability of knowledge not only in the field of clinical disciplines, but also in the field of physics. After all, the use of physics in medicine is a necessity in the modern world. The action of many modern dental devices used for diagnosis and treatment is based on the application of physical laws and phenomena. Therefore, knowledge of the principles of the operation of equipment from the point of view of physics is an important element in the formation of highly qualified specialists.Ape xlocators are widely used in modern dentistry, so their study on Medical and biological physics is actual.
0 # Yurii 18.04.2018, 18:49
The study of the physical properties of dental devices is an important component of the formation of the professional competence of future dentists. The materials presented by the authors reveal the basic principles of the functioning of an important instrument in dentistry - apex locator. Thanks for the informative materials.
0 # Lunhol Roman 18.04.2018, 16:04
Knowledge of mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic phenomena, values characterizing dental equipment are an important component of the training of students specialty 221 "Dentistry". The authors studied and presented the mechanism of operation of the 3rd and 4th generation apex locators, which are directly used in our town. Information is cognitive, important.

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