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  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18


UDC 74.202.4

Tsarenko Oleksandr

Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named by Volodymyr Vynnychenko

The relevance of the research and formulation of the problem. The concept of profile education provides for the renewal of a senior school based on the consideration of students' interests and abilities, which requires the implementation of the principles of person-oriented technologies and the creation of conditions for the professional self-determination of pupils. Therefore, the actual problem is activation of career guidance work in secondary school, which necessitates the improvement of the quality of students' training to career guidance and pedagogy of the educational process in higher education.

The analysis of the results of the performed investigations. Researches of scientists regarding the implementation of personality-oriented technologies in institutions of higher education (S. Goncharenko, R. Gurevich, etc.) convinces that the effectiveness of the educational process depends on the learning tools. Innovative tools are different from traditional by software and hardware implementation, and the digital way of data storage provides high quality and convenience of searching educational fragments, hypermedia presentation of materials that cannot be realized under other conditions [1].

Practical experience shows, personality-oriented technologies that are implemented with the help of new generation of learning tools, provides the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students on the theory and methodology of career guidance, in particular: scientific knowledge, methodological knowledge, assessment knowledge, interdisciplinary knowledge [ 2].

Thus, in the process of improving the content of course "Theory and methodology of career guidance work" in the pedagogical high school it is necessary to focus on known technological schemes taking into account the prognostication procedure. But the final option should be the assessment of the level of training of the future teacher of labor training for career guidance activities, which in an effective didactic system can be realized through personality-oriented technologies, in particular computer [3].

The purpose of this work is to find out the directions of improvement of career guidance of future teachers of labor training in the pedagogical high school.

The presentation of the main material. A separate stage of career guidance work is the processes of labor and professional training of young people. The role of the the teacher of labor training in the system of career guidance is determined by the specifics of his professional activities [4].

During the research, the focus was on improving the teaching and learning complex of the course "Theory and methodology of career guidance work". The practical implementation of the developed ideas taking into account the requirements of normative documentation was carried out in the following directions: updating the topics of practical classes; development of tasks for computer testing; updating the teacher's site.

The practical lessons were devoted to the development of professional orientation lessons by students, plans for conducting conversations and excursions, questionnaires for student surveys, etc. A separate lesson (topic 7) is devoted to the preparation of future teachers for teaching section "Designing professional success". Students worked out the choice of the direction of professional activity of students through the "Matrix of Choice of Profession" and "Barometer of Occupations", mastered the method of writing their own resume.

During the study of the topic "Information technologies in professional orientation work", students mastered the methodology of using personality-oriented technologies, in particular, they used the advantages of online resources (on-line testing, recommendations on choosing a profession) that diversify the methods of vocational guidance work. In particular, in the popular Facebook network, government agencies have their own pages. At the same time, Google's integrated services provide significant opportunities for material visualization, pedagogical situations etc.

Personality-oriented technologies and learning tools of the new generation provide the practical direction of discipline and activate the independent activity of students, which is achieved through the improvement of the didactic complex (computer testing (http://school_100.dnepredu.com/uk/te/anketa.html), Updating the Teacher's Site (https://sites.google.com/site/aaleksandr76/osnovi-proforientaciie)).

The conclusions. The proposed changes allow to strengthen the practical direction of the discipline and to intensify the independent activity of students. It was found that the condition of effective mastery of students by the theory and method of carrying out career guidance work is the approximation of practical tasks to the demands of practice (diagnostic tests, summary writing, mastering the rules of interviewing).


1. Dementievskaya N.P. How can computer technologies be used for the development of students / N.P. Dementievskaya, N.V. Morsey // Current problems of psychology. - K.: Millennium, 2005. - Vol. 8. - P. 152-158.

2. Tsarenko O. M. Innovative means in studying the course "Theory and methodology of vocational guidance work" / O. M. Tsarenko // Scientific notes. - Whip 12. - Series: Problems of the methodology of physico-mathematical and technological education. - Kropivnitsky, 2017. - Ch.3 - P. 181-187.

3. Tsarenko O. M. Estimation of the results of vocational guidance activity of a technology teacher / O. M. Tsarenko // Scientific notes. - Whip 11. - Series: Problems of Methodology of Physical-Mathematical and Technological Education. - Kropivnitsky, 2017. -H. 3 - P. 145-148.


Tsarenko Alexander - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Techniques of Technological Training, Labor Protection and Life Safety of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University; [email protected].

A range of scientific interests: Higher education didactics.

Додати коментар

0 # Олександр Царенко 20.04.2018, 05:31
Дякую за коментарі, їх кількість свідчить про зацікавленість проблемою. Проте, виникають деякі питання. Ми розробляємо навчально-метод ичні комплекси, пишемо статті, нас "цитують" в журналах, які входять до різних науково-метричн их баз, проводимо заняття зі студентами і рівень їхньої підготовки підвищується. Відповідно, ми їм ставимо "відмінно", а викладачам, які пройшли "мовні курси" видаємо сертифікати В2, але вони такі "невдячні" (і студенти і викладачі) та допускають некоректності перекладу.
На мій погляд, проблема не філологічна, а педагогічна, як і в тезах (виховання особистості, професійне самовизначення) . З приводу деяких коментарів зазначу, що "колежанки" - це не "парижанки", а з серії "доктриня", педіатриня", "падалки" (парашутисти) і т.ін. На жаль, носіїв мови все менше і менше....
0 # Вікторія Іванишина 19.04.2018, 10:57
Можливо Ви й праві, шановні колежанки, але такого університету не існує: Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named by Volodymyr Vynnychenko, Ваш університет має іншу офіційну назву?
0 # Olga V Yezhova 18.04.2018, 13:20
inding out the directions of improvement of career guidance of future teachers of labor training in the pedagogical high school is very significant.
0 # Lunhol Olha 18.04.2018, 11:49
Computers have largely become an integral part of our lives.
Taking into account the use of computer technologies in almost all spheres of life, it is important for each student to have a basic knowledge of the use of computers.
The author conducted a study on improving the teaching and learning complex of the course "Theory and methodology of career guidance work" by developing tasks for computer testing and updating the teacher's website. This direction is relevant and very important for pedagogical universities. Thanks to the author of the article for interesting materials located at: sites.google.com/.../....

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