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  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18


UDC: 811.161.2(072)

Oliynik Svitlana Petrivna

Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
Fedotova SvItlana OleksandrIvna

Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


The article proposes a methodology of the formation of the fundamentals of culture and techniques of verbal speech of first-graders, which provides the step-by-step assimilation of the main speech culture’s communicative features, the rational use of adequate methods, techniques and means of speech development, the appropriate organization of teaching and speech activity through linguistic support and the construction of a system of exercises.

Key words: bases of culture and techniques of oral speech, communicative signs of speech culture, methods, means of speech development, educational exercises.

The problem and its connection with important educational or practical tasks. In the process of national and socio-cultural reproduction, the formation of statehood and the democratization of society, the revival of intellectual and spiritual potential of citizens of Ukrainian, the expansion of the spheres of the functioning of Ukrainian language as a state language of, the culture of oral speech acquires particular importance as the most important means of communication, education and comprehensive development of personality.

According with current needs, the government passed the documents that determine the ways of realization of the thorough tasks in the field of language education - obligatory for mastering by every citizen of Ukraine as a state language. National Doctrine of Educational Development in the 21st Century, outlining the perspectives for further improvement of the educational process, emphasizes that "education promotes the formation of high linguistic culture and linguistic competence of citizens, respect to the state language" [1, p. 60 - 61]. Consequently, the special meaning has the work which is directed on the formation of the Ukrainian language’s culture, starting from the elementary level of the secondary school, because the acquired linguistic knowledge and speech skills at the junior school age become the basis for communicative perfection and standardized speech.

The analysis of publications (marking of unresolved problems). The problem of the culture of speech has always been in the center of the intensified attention of linguists and methodologists (N. D. Babich, I. K. Bilodid, A. M. Bilyayev, S. Ya. Yermolenko, M. A. Zhovtotbryukh, A. P. Kanischenko, A. P. Koval, L. I. Matsko, M. I. Pentiluk, M. M. Pylinsky, V. M. Rusanovsky, etc.). Scientists have identified issues of the linguistic culture of the person and society, the theory of linguistic norm, communicative qualities of the culture of speech. For our study a special interest have linguistic and pedagogical principles of language learning (A. M.  Bogush, N.A. Pashkovska, A.E. Suprun, O. N. Khoroshkovska, etc.), the psychological and psycholinguistic aspects of the generation and the peculiarities of the oral speeches that were studied by L. S. Vygotsky, M. I. Zhinkin, I.O. Zimnya, A. O. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, I. I. Sinitsa and others.

A number of research works (L.V. Baranovskaya, L. M. Holovat, V. A. Kalish, G. A. Oliynyk, T. P. Rukas, V. D. Usatiy, etc.) contributed to the successful resolution of this problem. However, the researchers highlight the issue of improving of the language skills of those who have already received school education, but the systematic work on the formation and improvement of the language culture of the elementary school students, remains relevant and at the same time insufficiently developed. Some aspects of the development of the language culture of primary schoolchildren were found after the analysis of methodological research: the formation and development of orphoetic norms of speech for junior schoolchildren (M.S. Vashulenko), techniques for developing children’s skills of Ukrainian language etiquette (R.M. Mironyuk), the formation of Russian-speaking first-graders’ Ukrainian spelling norms (R.I. Chernovol-Tkachenko), etc.

However, finding the ways to optimize linguistic education, first of all, the formation of students’ normative Ukrainian speech, in our opinion, is not well developed.

Presentation of the main work and argumentation of the research results. As the experience shows, in order to increase the effectiveness of mastering the culture and technique of spoken language of six year old first-graders one needs to do it during the mastering of general language skills and skills to introduce scientifically grounded and methodically appropriate pedagogical technology of the formation of culture and techniques of oral Ukrainian speech. It includes the step-by-step mastering of the basic communicative features of speech culture, rational usage of adequate methods, techniques and means of speech development, appropriate organization of training and speech activities by language support  and making a system of exercises.

While developing an experimental methodology of the formation of the culture and technique of oral speech of six-year first-graders, it is necessary to take into account the psychological children’s characteristics of this age.

Taking into account the mentioned psychological features on the material of the ABC-book, a system of exercises for the formation of skills was developed:

1) to have fluency in breathing, that is, without haste to fill the lungs with enough amount of air for speaking, rationally dose it while pronouncing words, phrases and expressions;

2) to be able to control the voice, providing sonorous, varied height, force, tempo and timbre of speaking or reading aloud as a type of language.

3) to develop the skills of clear articulation (that is, the work of speech organs aimed at creating sounds, in other words, diction) of sounds;

4) to master and perfectly operate with orthoepic (from orthoepia - "correct pronunciation") norms.

However, working on development of public speaking skills or reading, one should be aware that speaking technique does not exist by itself. It is a tool through which the content of the message is embodied. The concept of speech in front of the audience, the nature of the conversation, the situation of communication, and the genre (poetic, prose) in reading, the theme of the text dictates their intonational design. The development of the skills of speech technology should begin with the acquaintance with a text or a passage, from an awareness of the nature of the thoughts shown in them.

In everyday communication speaker does not think about how he breathes, because breathing is a natural process. It is not noticed.

The physiological process of breathing is carried out in three phases: slow inhale - slow exhalation - pause. While speaking (as well as reading) this rhythm is violated. So, having spent the air on the talk, the speaker should quickly prepare the lungs for further act of speaking. This causes the reduction of the first phase of breathing.

As for the second one - exhaling, then it does not occur while speaking, as happens while breathing normally. This is determined by the need to prepare for the next phrase (here are meant phrases, sentences and their parts, limited by short pauses). This causes a pause, which does not exist during the physiological process of breathing after the first phase. Exposure is not optional while speaking: it can be fast and slow, with pauses and without them. It depends on the communicational situation, the idea of the story or the content of the work while reading. From this it is easy to conclude that the process of speaking and reading aloud requires attention to the management of breathing - an important means of speech technology.

We will consider what is implied in the concept of " breath guiding ".

Let's start with the question: what amount of air should be breathed in the process of speech? The answer does not have anything unusual: one should be inhale enough air to speak (or read) until the pause, due to the logical conclusion of the phrase and the need for another breath.

Some people think that the best way to be ready to speak is to breathe in as much air as possible. This is a false idea. You can’t use the breathed in extra air: it breaks out in the first second. In the effective management of breathing an important role plays developed chest-abdominal (deep) breathing. Unlike the shoulder (shallow) breathing, it allows you to fill the lungs completely with air. The volume of air absorbed during chest-abdominal breathing allows you to operate with the voice freely, allowing to speak or read for a long time, without interrupting the speech flow. Developing this type of breathing is one of the tasks of mastering speech technology.

While speaking or reading, you should not release the respiratory tract to the end. It should always have a small supply of air. This will prevent the sudden absorption of air and provide an invisible, silent breath. Usually people inhale and exhale through the mouth and through the nose. Breathing through the nose is hygienically justified. It is necessary to follow hygienic rules. But, while breathing in the air with your nose, it's not necessary to close the mouth.

Exercise should begin with a deep belief that being able to breathe is the first and important step of mastering the voice - the main tool of expressiveness, efficiency and aesthetic influence on the interlocutor and the listener.

Here are examples of exercises for breathing.

1. Observe the visual manifestation of the chest-abdominal breathing. The chest goes up a little. However, the shoulders should not move up and down. Inhale through the nose, try to do it without sound. Get rid of the temptation to full your lungs completely.

2. Check how long you can exhale the air without a rush until the full breathing –in (this exercise is done without speaking). To do this, take a calm breath and slowly exhale. The task of the exercise is to develop chest-abdominal breathing.

3. Read the verse silently (make it a small tradition to do all the following exercises when you start working with a new text):

Read this text several times aloud: a) while reading a verse, stop at the end of each line; breath in during the pauses b) while reading two lines, breathe deeply, but invisibly and do not fill in your lungs completely.

4. Read each row of the quatrain on one breath, stopping for exhalation in the end:

5.Learn tongue-twisters by heard. Pronounce them with one breath.

Let's recall the notion of intonation. Intonation is a broad concept. It consists of a number of elements. Let's call them. These are pauses, changes in height, strength, tempo, timbre of the voice, that is, what characterizes its flexibility.

It is known that the role of pause is to separate one phrase from one another, to emphasis a word or phrase, which has a logical emphasis. The pronunciation of words or their combination is opposed according to the pitch of a voice - high or low, force - strong or weak, speed rate - fast or slow. Templar distinctions are too diverse: it is the expression of gentleness or rudeness, and the transmission of coldness or affability, and the reproduction of indifference or interest. The combination of the above mentioned means of the spoken language: pauses, the pitch of a voice, strength, tempo, timbre, which form statements are called intonation.

None of the above elements of the intonation does not exist separately from each other in the speech. Only when they are interconnected, they form the sound expression of a single meaningful whole.

Intonation helps to distinct sentences according to the purpose of expression - narrative, interrogative, imperative , in terms of emotions - exclamatory, non-exclamatory. With its participation, words are allocated according to their semantic significance (logical emphasis), syntactic role (homogeneous, excluded parts of the sentence). This is known from the school course of the Ukrainian language.

The proposed work on the development of intonation involves fixing the well-known and most important - to form the stable skills of using of intonation as the necessary tool of spoken language. Exercises can help to develop it.

When working on it you should not seek something unusual. Reading texts or reciting poems should be natural, correspond to the reader’s voice. Especially it is impractical to copy the actor’s or reader’s intonation. If the intonation is not natural for you, it will not become a permanent skill. It is better to work on improving your own voice.

You need to start with reading aloud. It is desirable to include in your schedule daily reading aloud of at least two pages of text of any genre: prose, poem, newspaper. The purpose of such exercises is to train the eyes in the extended coverage of the printed text, to accustom yourself to hear and control the clear pronunciation of sounds, to develop the ability to choose the intonation pattern, corresponding to the content.

In the acquisition of the intonational flexibility of the voice can help to develop each of the component of the intonation. Let's start with a pause.

A pause is known to end a sentence. A large or small, it depends on the semantic connections of sentences combined in the text.

A pause participates in the division of expression into intonational-semantic parts, which contributes to the awareness of its content.

The pause between syntagmas is determined by the content included in a specific expression. Therefore, the boundaries of syntagms may vary depending on what the speaker wants to say or how the speaker understands and interprets the text.

The development of the flexibility of the voice should begin with exercises on selection and keeping of the pauses as one of the essential means of thinking.

1. Before reading passages, read each of them. While reading, breathe freely. Remember that a small pause does not indicate the end of the story, so the syntagma does not have an intonational completion, as it is observed at the end of the statement – the sentence.

The strength of the voice depends on the proper coordination of the two components of voice’s: breathing and articulation of sounds. In order to be strong, the voice should be provided with the airstream, the force of which is enough for the articulation. One requirement should be followed- one should in time and properly fill the lungs with air. This is one of the conditions for giving force to the voice. The second condition is the underlined articulation of sounds, which is manifested in the clarity of their pronunciation. Consequently, the energetically exhaled air current and the intense articulation of sounds create the volume of the speech.

In addition, the strength of the voice provides the extension of the stressed syllable composition, which is also connected with the ability to breathe.

Together with the work on overcoming the "quietness" of the voice, one needs to learn how to correlate lung-power with the room where you have to speak or read the text out aloud.

Finally, there is a warning: it is impossible to identify the lung-power with a scream, because the concepts are different. Scream is an excessively loud pronunciation, which is accompanied by over-tension of vocal cords, which leads to a loss of the voice.

These are the most significant recommendations for overcoming the weakness of the voice. If you want to be successful, you should rely only on your own desire and conscientiousness in doing exercises that involve the development of deep breath and clear pronunciation.

1. To develop the strength of exhalation and tension of articulation, we offer the following tasks:

a) read the text in whisper, in order to be heard by everybody who is present in the classroom. Try to read each word till the end without "swallowing" the last syllables. Stop at the end of paragraphs. Mind pauses inside the sentences. We remind that whisper is a variant of verbal communication, in which sounds are pronounced without the participation of vocal cords, but energetically, clearly;

b) read the same text aloud with all the reconditions mentioned above. Try to read in such a way that you could be heard in the room where you read it.

2. Read the text three times: the first time - in whisper, the other - in a quiet voice, but with an effort to clearly pronounce each sound, the third - in the middle voice. Pay attention on the fact that your voice is heard in the room where you do the exercise.

3. Without hurry, read the text with your power of voice, stretching the stressed syllables. Listen to the clear pronunciation of every sound, syllable, word. Make pauses every time you breath in some air.

Each person's voice has three registers, that is, three parts of the tone row, which vary in height: low, medium and high. Medium - the one that is particular for the speaker. From this neutral mark, the voice may increase or decrease. Such a change in the height of sound is called a change in the tone (or tonality) of the voice.

According to the height of the tone, there are such types of sentences: declarative, interrogative and imperative.

The declarative sentence is characterized by the decrease in the tonality in its end.

Interrogative sentences vary in tone depending on the key words, highlighted in the questions.

The imperative sentences are characterized by the extension and strengthening of the stressed syllable in the internationally highlighted word.

Here are examples of exercises.

1. Correctly intonate sentences.

2. Significantly different tones are recognized in reading dialogues. Follow the changes in tone while reading a verse:

Read the song a few times. To determine the tone pattern of each replica, you can use the following advice: read the words of the author in the middle tone, replicas of the character - high or low.

Tempo plays a significant role in oral speech and reading.

While reading it is recommended: the dialogue should be pronounced quickly (reasonably fast!), the monologue - slowly. Begin reading or narration with a measured pace, to " sensitize" the listener to the perception of the circumstances of the narrative or the content of the work. At the same tempo you need to complete the reading or speaking.

We offer such exercises.

1. To develop the feeling of tempo, read every proverb with different tempo.

2. Read several times the tongue-twisters: at first slowly, then faster and faster. Clearly pronounce every word.

3. As you know, the size of the riddles are short, but they include a list of important features ( actions) on which the guessing is based. Therefore, the riddle should be pronounced so that listener would be able to hear and guess the subject of the riddle.

Read the riddle, define pauses, stress in multi-syllable words.

Conclusions and perspectives. On each lesson, first-graders did exercises on the articulation of sounds. Students were offered: language warming-up, phonetic warming-up, games. For this purpose, the material of the ABC-book was used: riddles, poems, laughs, songs, proverbs etc.


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Олійник Світлана Петрівна

Федотова Світлана Олександрівна


У статті запропоновано методику формування основ культури і техніки усного мовлення першокласників, які передбачають поетапність засвоєння основних комунікативних ознак мовленнєвої культури, раціональне використання адекватних методів, прийомів і засобів мовленнєвого розвитку, відповідну організацію навчально-мовленнєвої діяльності шляхом мовного забезпечення і побудови системи вправ.

Ключові слова: основи культури і техніки усного мовлення, комунікативні ознаки мовленнєвої культури, методи, прийоми, засоби мовленнєвого розвитку, навчальні вправи



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