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The influence of work with various materials during the lessons of labor training on the development of personality of pupils of primary school

UDC 373.3.091.3:62

Kotelianets Natalka Valeriivna

Kotelianets Iulia Serhiivna

Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University

The influence of work with various materials during the lessons of labor training on the development of personality of pupils of primary school

Abstract. The article disclosed the analysis of the influence of work with different materials during craft lessons on the development of the pupil’s personality. The article shows the peculiarities of the materials, their comparison among each other and finding of common and different features in man-handling of materials.

Keywords: labor activities, investigating activities, observation, materials’ properties, development.

Introduction. Many scientists name different kinds of children’s productive activities, including work with various materials. They say that it is one of the most effective means of development of children’s creativity. Craft - is a creative work of a child with different materials, in the process of which useful and esthetically significant objects and products for decorating everyday life (games, labor and rest) are created. According to the ideas of many teachers, the presence of well formed skills and abilities of work with various materials can "free" the child's mind from the solution of purely technical problems, and the teacher will be able to give him creative tasks .

The analysis of publications (marking of unresolved problems). In researches of V. Nechaeva N.Poddyakova, N.Sakulina stressed the role of work with various materials for sensory development of the child. These authors show a close connection between the tasks of sensory education and formation of creativity [5,6]. In the study, conducted under the guidance of L. Wenger, it was proved that the basis of formation of creative activity is the familiarization of children with the properties of materials and different sensory standards. Working with paper, cloth, strobilas, leaves, straw, plastiline, children recognize the following properties of materials - such as fragility and hardness, plasticity and stiffness, roughness and smoothness, get acquainted with samples of color, shape and size of objects; learn to determine the position of objects in space. In the process of creating crafts children get a formed system of knowledge about changes in the properties of materials in the process of their processing [2]. Modern researchers continue to form different aspects of the child's personality through the organization of work with paper, fabric and other materials. Z. Bogatyayev, N.Tarlovskaya, L.Torporova, N.Makarova, O.Safonova develop separate questions of the methodology of training of applique and designing [1,8,10].

The purpose of the article is to analyze the influence of different processing materials on the craft lessons in primary schools on the development of the personality of a younger schoolchild, using the similarity of using various methods and ways of processing materials for accelerating the process of cognition of the world and the development of children's creativity .

Presentation of the main work and argumentation of the research results. In the process of labor activity, there is an interaction between the perception of the world and the expression of the attitude towards the environment which surrounds the child [7]. This point also applies to the creation of crafts from various materials by children. Pupils view both natural and human made objects of the surrounding world, learn to turn them into a various toys, products, compositions. The content of labor training of primary school children includes work with the following materials:

  • paper and cardboard;

  • natural materials;

  • threads and fibrous materials;

  • plasticine;

  • wire;

  • artificial materials.

Any material has certain characteristic properties. Therefore, getting acquainted with will be much easier if you use the proposed plan. It can be the following.

Analysis of the properties of the material:

1. The origin of the material

2. Its structure.

3. Structural-dimensional physical indicators (thickness, structure, strength, rigidity).

4. The ability of the material to change during loading and restoration of the original form (elasticity, flexibility).

5. Optical indicators (color, hue, light permeability).

6. Chemical properties (processing, coloring) of the material.

In the process of work with tissue, paper, natural and throwing materials children recognize the properties and features of work with these materials, learn to analyze the shape of objects, plan their actions. Сhildren reinforce the knowledge of the basic forms and names of colors of the surrounding world, form complete presentation about the objects and the phenomena which surround them. These knowledge and ideas are strong because "... a thing is made by a very child is connected with him by a living nerve ..." [3]. Such a "living nerve" is the emotions of the child.

When creating crafts, children learn to compare different materials among themselves, to find similarities and differences in the techniques of processing paper, fabric, leaves, throwing materials, etc. Gradually, children begin to transfer methods of work with one material to another, in case when the teacher draws students' attention to the common and different properties of the materials.

When choosing a material for work, children take into account the physical properties of materials: color, size, glitter, transparency, features of the texture of materials. For example: determination the type of paper, due to its thickness, density, smoothness and transparency of the surface; comparison of threads according to such data as thickness, strength and color.

While performing labor operations, the mechanical properties such as strength, hardness, plasticity and elasticity become the most important. For example, studying the strength of paper while tearing:

a) two strips cut across and along the fibers;

b) one strip is twisted into a twine;

c) beforehand the bending line is bended and smoothed;

d) part of the strip is crumpled.

Along with the properties, children observe the qualitative features of materials: soft, not bending, thick, well stretched, light, does not sink etc. For example, wetting of a paper (stretching of paper after humidifying, loss of its strength, appearance of wrinkles while gluing).

Physical properties of the materials children study from an early age, looking at the crafts. Materials for crafts have different colors, shapes, and sizes. Some of them have glitter, others are dim. Some are transparent and smooth. Others are rough, nothing can be seen through them. The child sees it or feels at first touch.

In primary school, students learn about the properties of materials as the raw for crafts. For this, the properties of several varieties of materials of one group are compared.

Such materials as: paper and cardboard, cloth and fibrous materials, natural materials, plasticine, wire and synthetic materials are introduced to younger students at crafts lessons. In order to use these materials correctly you need to know their properties well, observe the peculiarities of usage of different tools in various situations, practically find out the feasibility of using devices that streamline operations. Observing their own work and the work of their classmates, children compare , evaluate the design decision, methods and quality of work, decoration of crafts and their parts.

Observations and experiments performed by elementary school pupils are based on the simultaneous use of all sense receptorы. This allows younger schoolchildren with each lesson more accurately answer the important questions for solving practical problems related to the properties and qualitative features of the processing materials, the peculiarities of the resistance of each material during the processing of work with it.

An important result of students' research work is to identify new features independently, properties of objects and studied phenomena, formulate conclusions that become more exect, clear and systematic with each lesson.

The task of the teacher during the organization of research activities of students is to teach students to acquire knowledge independently, without mastering which it is impossible to work consciously, purposefully, productively. This knowledge about the range and important properties of processing materials, tools, technological processes, rational work methods, safety rules, organization and culture of work.

The cognitive activity that underlies experiments and observations is useful only when the students imagine the practical significance of the questions they are facing. The connection with life, with the work of children, the relying on their previous work experience and the acquisition of new information, the implementation of new educational tasks are important conditions for the effective conduction of the simplest researches, observation and experiments with children,

The most interesting are experiments in which can participate two materials simultaneously - for example, paper and fabric. When investigating paper (fibrous material), children observe the gap between paper and cardboard using a magnifying glass. In their everyday lives, children have seen the prosess of moisturizing of the itemswhile washing, they see wrinkles on the cloth when it dries, and how it becomes smooth after ironing. But all this information during the experiment should be updated (they need to be mentioned, included in the discussion and conclusions have to be formed).

The skill to obresve and at the same time to see what is needed, should be continuously and systematically taught to students. To be able to see - means to be able to emphasize in the object the main, significant, characteristics which were previously unknown to the observer.

The structure of experiments involves a clear definition of the object and purpose of the resurch, and gradual work of students:

  • formulation of the topic and purpose of the experiment;

  • development of the scheme, variants, progress of the experiment;

  • making of a program of students observations, determinationof the time experiments’ conclusion.

From the topic of the experiment students shound understand the purpose of the experiment, establish the characteristic features of the paper, through which you can analyze the results. The purpose of the investigation is to establish how the technology of paper production affects its properties. The choice of the type of paper to be investigated depends on the purpose. For example, distinguish the following types of paper: for writing, for printing, for drawing, copying, for drawing, photographic paper, wallpaper, wrap, corrugated, industrialtechnical. In primary classes it is more expedient to carry out research on the determination of the properties of natural paper and cardboard.

In the scheme of the experiment, it is indicated how it is possible to determine the properties of the paper. Also, on this stage, the structure of the paper is indicated. To conduct the experiment, it is necessary to take a sheet of paper and tear off a strip of paper from it. We can see that the line of tearing along the grain direction is more smooth than the line across. And if you cut off two strips of paper and stretch your finger and scissors between them, then the strip in which the fibers are located across, is more twisted then the one, which fibers lies along .

When students make a conclussion, it is important not only to note the differences that paper has, but also give some scientific explanations, recommendations for usage in practice. The experiments offered in textbooks and workbooks are available to students in primary schools and compiled according with the current program.

Observations and experiments have a great benefit, because students discover and compare the properties of different materials, such as paper and fabric, clay and plasticine, threads. The comparisons have an important polytechnic value, they help children to learn the properties, qualitative features of the material.

Observations and experiments have a special content for pupils, when the teacher shows them in practice, that the knowledge gained in the process of work and special observations helps to perform work well and quickly.

In the process of creation of different crafts, the child begins to realize himself as a personality, he is given the opportunity to express his attitude to certain phenomena of the surrounding life. The smaller the child is, the less he has the opportunity to express this attitude. Many researchers emphasize that the development of the spiritual life of a person is impossible without her moralattitude. T.Komarova notes that the possibility of identifying yourself as a member of a society forms a steady interest to the activity, creates a positive emotional background [10]. Psychologists and teachers note that creation of a positive atmosphere is one of the conditions for the development of creativity.

Work with various materials allows us to introduce the child not only to the natural environment, but also to the social and cultural environment in which he develops.

Children have the biggest emotional reaction on color and form of objects. Work with different materials - this is, first of all, the transformation of various forms of paper, fabric and natural materials of various colors and shades. So, making crafts from various materials is very attractive for children. In addition, knowledge about paper, cardboard, natural materials and other materials causes the interest to get to know about other material and to use them in practical work. Creation of crafts from various materials is such a practical activity of cognitive character. In the process of productive activities, including in the process of work with different materials, develops both as an active and passive language of children. In the process of creating a various crafts, the child begins to realize himself as a personality, who is given the opportunity to express the attitude to certain phenomena of the surrounding world, forms the attitude to work, realizes the need for productive labor [11-14].

Conclusions and perspectives. The analysis of the conducted research makes it possible to conclude that the work with different materials allows:

- to realize a close contact of the child with the natural, cultural and social secrets and knowledge on this basis of the world in all its diversity of relations;

- to develop aesthetic perception through the observation and transformation of objects of nature, the consideration of the world of things, works of art and the formation of aesthetic assessment;

- to create an emotional and supportive environment and the formation of interest in working with various materials on this basis;

- to organize the creative activity of students as a means of the full development of the personality of the child;

- to combine different types of artistic activities into a single system, which allows to develop children’s artistic creativity;

- to use the similarity of usage of different methods and methods of processing materials to accelerate the cogitation of the world and the development of children's creativity;

- to apply collective forms of organization of child labor for the creation of various compositions, followed by their usage in the social life of the school.

Creativity is considered to be the basis of human existence. It is closely linked with knowledge and is seen as an activity that creates something essential and determines the quality of the development of society, the essence of human existence and its development.

The effectiveness of creative activity depends on the conditions of organization, the amount of information received by the individual, his emotional state, individual characteristics and the amount of knowledge that he owns.

Work with various materials helps to create conditions for the formation of children's creativity. The usage of integrated lessons allows to create interesting, aesthetic compositions using different materials and techniques of work.

A sensible combination of collective and individual compositions contributes to the formation of conditions for the full development of artistic and creative children’s activity.

For the development of children's creativity in working with different materials, the most effective techniques are: child’s experimentation with the material before the beginning of training; the creation of a friendly atmosphere through the display of new ways of work with paper, fabric and natural materials; training in technical skills and skills in exercising; friendly, but objective assessment of children's products.

Properly organized work gives children deep knowledge of the quality and capabilities of various materials, promotes the consolidation of positive emotions, stimulates the desire to work and master the skills, and accustoms to the folk decorative art. Consequently, there are reasons to consider craft to be an important element in the harmonious development of children


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Наталка Котелянець, Юлія Котелянець

Вплив роботи з різними матеріалами на уроках трудового навчання на розвиток особистості молодшого школяра

У статті здійснюється аналіз впливу роботи з різними матеріалами на уроках трудового навчання на розвиток особистості молодшого школяра. Виокремлено особливості проведення дослідів та спостережень на виявлення фізичних та механічних властивостей матеріалів, їх порівняння між собою, знаходження подібності та відмінності в прийомах обробки.

Ключові слова: трудова діяльність, дослідницька діяльність, спостереження, властивості матеріалів, розвиток.


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