Tetiana Dovha
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of the image of a modern student. It shows relationships between the concepts "image" and "fashion" on the example of the linguistic and external components of the image. The peculiarity of forming the image of students of the specialty "Primary Education" in the process of studying the discipline "Image of a Modern Teacher" is shown.
The word "image" is now actively used in various spheres of human’s life and it takes a worthy place in the thesaurus of many social sciences. The cultural community classifies it to a "fashionable" categoty.
Fashion, as a social phenomenon, means the short-lived domination of some ideology or style in any sphere of life or culture. It extends to various aspects of human activity - appearance and interior design; art, architecture, literature, science, education, sports, household. The concept of fashion can relate to lifestyle, professional activity, food preferences, entertainment industry, leisure and leisure organization, consider its impact on the type of human body, etc.
French fashion researcher J. Baudrillard states that in the modern society, in most cases, the essence of fashion is revealed through the analysis of clothes, its practicality, aesthetics, and correspondence with the latest processes in the society. In fact, the fashion appears to be a more complex phenomenon, which does not focus exclusively on clothing, but extends to all spheres of human’s life [1, 71-72].
Recently, the epithet "fashionable" began to be used with objects and phenomena that relate to other spheres of social life (fashionable films, fashionable hobbies, fashionable words, etc.).
A fashionable word, as it is defined by Wikipedia, is "an idiom, often a neologism that is more often used in commerce, politics, professional activity to enhance the importance, awareness, uniqueness, novelty, or to facilitate the perception of information in the prepared audience when replacing more complex and detailed definition ".
From time to time, such words supplement the general vocabulary and remain little known until they lose their novelty and become unenforceable (now it refers to word-of-mouth code, creative, personal, portfolios, project, presentation, resume, sephi, etc.), which mods are stipulated socio-cultural and economic needs of society. The word "image" refers to words borrowed from the Anglo-American vocabulary in the 60's of the last century, but for a long time taboo in our country.
At present, we have to observe the opposite tendency with to usage of the word "image" in our language. S. Karavansky, a Ukrainian linguist, believes that this fashionable word "destroys" the Ukrainian language with the frequency of the usage that "breaks all the records." It does not only supplant the Ukrainian words «образ», «лице», «ім’я», but also reduces the use of other words of foreign origin, such as «репутація», «реноме». In regard of this fact, the linguist suggests replacing the phrase «професійний імідж» into «професійне лице» or «професійне ім’я». The scientist thinks that, in such a way, it is possible not only to influence on the correct usage of the words in the native language, but also to educate the generations of people who respect the national heritage [4, 60].
Still, first of all, the concept of "fashion" in the society is associated with clothes and manner of dress, which was embodied in the expressions "fashionable clothes" and "fashion on clothes." Primarily, these words are associated with the concepts of "appearance" and "image" of a person.
In modern sources, the image is often interpreted through: 1) the external image created by the subject in order to cause a certain impression, thought, attitude; 2) a set of properties attributed to the object by advertising, propaganda, fashion, tradition, etc. with an idea to cause certain reactions in attitude to it.
Researcher V. Gorchakov compares the image with a mask, facade, or fashion, considers it as a means of turning mediocrity into a beautiful image. For this purpose, the image bearer should materialize his inner image and realize the main idea of the image through the usage of artistic and social symbols [2].
The role of such symbols in the image of a person, in our opinion, is performed by means of appearance (clothes, hairstyles, accessories, make-up), verbal (word, speech, speech) and non-verbal communication (facial expressions, pantomime, movements, gestures, posture, walk), characteristics of ethical behavior (benevolence, tolerance, empathy), etc.
The image of the student of the University is a dynamic and ambiguous phenomenon, multivariate in terms of content and functions. The main content aspects of the image are traditionally considered as sacrificial, linguistic, kinetic, and behavioral.
In particular, T. Podgurska focuses on the study of the linguistic component of the image of a modern student. The researcher notes that the use of so-called fashionable words, which emphasize the modernity (sometimes even bohemian or elite) of the speaker and is a characteristic of national and multicultural image of the individual, because these words are often borrowed from other languages. They should become a reference for teachers in shaping of the linguistic image of students [7, 350].
Today, the fashion for perfect knowledge of the native and foreign languages takes not the last place in the life of a cultural person, which requires systematic enrichment of your vocabulary, work on the correctness and purity of spoken and professional speech, is the last place. This is largely contributing not only by the usage of dictionaries, but also the involvement of students in the reading of fiction and popular science literature, the expansion of the circle of communication, the attendance of language courses, and exercising in word-formation.
Modern students do not stay away from the changes that take place in public life. Like the overwhelming majority of young people, they follow the fashion and take care about their appearance. In the student environment, the prevailing opinion is that being fashionable means, first of all, to follow the fashion in clothes and accessories. That is why students usually spend a lot of money on creating their own fashionable image (the purchase of expensive clothes, elite perfumes, the latest mobile gadgets, etc.), but at the same time they underestimate the ability to dress properly and with taste, development of an individual style, taking into account fashion trends, and so on.
It is well-known that well-chosen clothes, individual style and manner of dressing play an important role in creating of an attractive appearance and form the basis of the visual image of the individual.
The social-image function of clothes indicates that a person belongs to the particular profession, level of income, ethnic or regional origin. Clothes creates conditions for self-expression, personalization of personality, helps to establish communication with people of the certain circle. In the manner of dressing one of the main rules is displayed: to looks good - it means to show respect to the surrounding people. Thanks to clothes, a person self-asserts and acquires a certain image in the eyes of the public.
Сlothes plays a special role in the professional activity of the teacher. Like any person, a modern teacher has the right on freedom of expression, the ability to remain himself in any situation, to realize his own taste in the design of appearance. However, in the prosess of communication with children, in which the educational function dominates, the teacher's self-expression is inevitably limited by certain ethical and aesthetic norms. He comes to school to teach and to educate. His hairstyle, makeup, costume is perceived and appreciated by the environment - students and colleagues, first of all, from the functional point of view, according to the situation of communication [3, 66].
Favorable opportunities for professional and general cultural development of students has the discipline "The image of a modern teacher", which is taught to students of the specialty 013 "Primary education" of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University .
The program of the discipline includes familiarizing of students with the requirements to the appearance, the rules for buying teacher's clothes, peculiarities of language etiquette, etc. While discussing various aspects of the image, takes place the enrichment of the vocabulary and the expansion of general erudition of students. In particular, in the process of students’ familiarizing with the concepts of fashion and style, we offer students to analyze the vocabulary definition of notions "fashion for clothes" and " style of clothes" [5].
Fashion for clothes (French mode, from Latin modus - measure, rule, order) is a change in forms and patterns of clothes that take place during relatively short intervals of time. The high fashion (Haute Coutur) means individual tailoring of high quality clothing and the appropriate price category. Fashion for every day (Rret-a-porter) is designed for wearing in real-life and counted on the massive demand. The high fashion is concentrated on the podium, and massive - in the street and in public places.
Style of clothes (from Latin stilus or stylus - a way, character, manner) - a certain concentration of costume dictated by signs of age, sex, profession, social status, belonging to a subculture, personal taste of a person, national and religious affiliation, lifestyle and individual features, as well as the functionality and appropriateness of the outfit. The role of style accents is performed by accessories and their combination. The style of clothes is one of the main elements of the image of a person.
A big interest among future teachers caused the discussion of the issue of dress code, its rules in educational institutions and the requirements for the set of teacher's clothes.
Dress Code is a protocol that regulates general or in separate features of the form of clothing for visiting various kinds of social events or institutions. The dress code regulates the acceptable costume options for different situations (official events, business meetings, negotiations, etc.), shows the affiliation of a person to a particular professional group. Business dress code is an integral attribute of the business sphere, an indicator of corporate culture.
As the pedagogical profession requires from its representatives business qualities and, accordingly, the following of the business style in clothes and communication, then it is viable to familiarize future teachers with the rules of dress code in an educational institution.
For example, any clothes should correspond not only to the professional status, but also to the age. Clothes that is too tight or too transparent will look rather impudent not only in school, but also in any other place. The basis of a young teacher’s clothes should be jackets, blazers, classic trousers, as well as straight skirts to the middle of the knee. Suits will always be appropriate, which should be combined with different blouses and elegant sweaters. Shoes (boots) should be with not very high heels or even with flat soles.
We encourage future female teachers to buy a pencil dress. It is not necessary to choose a black color. It can be any deep, rich and noble color, including some shades of red - not caustic and not very noticeable. The length of such a dress is determined individually, but it should not be too short, the maximum distance from the knee to the edge of the skirt is one palm. On holidays, this outfit can be complemented with a brooch, a pendant or an elegant shawl. Teachers (especially of primary school) should not wear a lot of jewelry - it distracts the attention of children. It should not be forgotten that moderation in everything is a guarantee of success. But the teacher simply must to look stylish and fashionable.
Together with the students we come to the conclusion that the dress code in school obliges to follow the rules adopted in the educational community, at the same time it is not a uniform – it does not exclude individuality in clothes and does not interfere with the creative attitude to the appearance.
For a teacher, systematic work is necessary for the improvement of the appearance - physical data, verbal and non-verbal behavior, set of clothes, feeling of style, etc. By the appearance the teacher should attract pupils and adults. The personality should harmoniously combine a rich inner world, love to children and care about them. It should always be remembered that children learn from adults and, more over, they learnt to dress properly from their favorite teacher.
Students do individual educational research tasks, such as: creating a historical portrait of a prominent Ukrainian, a creative portrait of the world-famous couturier, making a thematic dictionary of style and fashion issues, which not only develops speech and general erudition of students, but also stimulates their creation of the image and self-imaging .
Conclusion. Consequently, the image is considered to be not only a fashionable word, but also a fashionable phenomenon, which is directly connected with the concept of "fashion" and influences various spheres of human life. A successful image is an important attribute of a modern student’s image, as it promotes the adaptation of a young person and a future specialist to social conditions.
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Тетяна Довга
Анотація. Стаття присвячена проблемі іміджу сучасного студента. Показано взаємозв’язок понять «імідж» і «мода» на прикладі мовного та габітарного компонентів іміджу. Розкрито специфіку формування іміджу студентів спеціальності «Початкова освіта» в процесі вивчення дисципліни «Імідж сучасного педагога».