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  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18

THE STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF MODERN MUSIC LYRICS (based on the study of oxymoron and metaphor)

Olha Kozii (Kropyvnytsky, Ukraine)

The sphere of linguistics of text until now needs specification and correlation with the other divisions of language science. The researches in this field are always topical because they deal with the dynamic sphere that renovates constantly and expands due to the appearance of new texts of fiction. The development of modern literature and mass culture gives enormous volume of new material.

This study is devoted to the stylistic features of the lyrics of a popular American rock-group «Manowar» whose influence in the Rock Music industry is undeniable [3]. The creativity of the group is an incentive for fans interested in historical heritage, the heroic epic of Scandinavia, and the study of texts has practical use as learning language, its stylistic wealth is quite prolific when repelled by modern material. This paper is an example of using modern mass culture works in linguistic studies.

In this study we appeal only to several literary devices and the ways of their perscrutation. Studying the role of oxymoron and metaphor, for instance, is to be started with the understanding of the stylistic analysis and literary devices.

Oxymoron is a significant literary device as it allows the author to use contradictory, contrasting concepts placed together in a manner that actually ends up making sense in a strange, and slightly complex manner [2]. An oxymoron is an interesting literary device because it helps to perceive a deeper level of truth and explore different layers of semantics while writing.

The contradictory nature of oxymoron (when talking about the texts studied, the first thing is the unity of life and death) in depicting events and characters may be emphasized by the structures of antithesis. They are used for creating rhythmic statements, images of opposite nature, comprehensive characteristics of the characters.

 Metaphorical antithesis – which is close to oxymoron – can also be traced in the studied texts («Manowar's made of steel not clay» («Fighting The World»); «His bones may be broken /But the spirit can not die» («Dark Avenger»)), the construction may be enhanced by the use of antonyms («The clash of honor calls to stand when others fall» («The Power of Thy Sword»), or metaphorical phrases of antonymous value («Viking ships cross the sea /In cold wind and rain / Sail into the black of night /Magic stars our guiding light »(«Swords in The Wind »)), and based on antonymous pairs in addition to the two objections they result in a denial that becomes a statement («We who die in battle are born /Not for heaven, not for hell» («Swords In the Wind»). The antithesis rather close to the aphoristic statements may also be found («When the world turns you away /A friend will not say no» («Blood Brothers»); «There is strength that we all have /It's not the strength we show» («Blood Brothers»).

The application to oxymoron constructions designs bright poetic unity of life and death («Still brave beyond the grave» («Battle Hymns»); «I'll see you again when I die» («The Crown And The Ring (Lament Of The Kings)»); «Sons of Odin fight /To die and live again» («Swords In the Wind»); «Many I'll send into the ground /Laughing as they die» («Swords In the Wind); «If I fall /I will live again» («The dawn of battle »), the battle for life or the battle («Fight for a living – Fighting the World» («Fighting The World»); «The ecstasy of battle takes me» («Black Wind, Fire and Steel»); «Celebrate the pain and havoc we have wrought» («The Power of Thy Sword»).

Oxymoron constructions point out the author’s interpenetration of faith and blasphemy that interchange in battle («While blasphemers spread their Gospel», «Baptized in Fire and Steel» («Holy War»)), the violation of causality that is irrelevant in the face of higher mission («Be your own disciple» («Kingdom Come»).

Song lyrics are rich in metaphors – figurative expressions which attributes or properties of one object or action are transferred to another and are based on the similarity between them [2]. For example: «The sands of time will shake», «We'll catch the wind»; «We crossed a starlit sky» («Battle Hymns»), «The north star always guides me» («Carry On»), «See us fly on winds of doom», «Smash the stillness everywhere» (Holy War), «My life was written on the wind» («Master Of The Wind»), «And I now wait to shake the hand of fate» («Defender»). The metaphor may be a member of the opposition, which lies deep in meaning and can not even be expressed using conjunctions («And I wait for the sun when all ate one»; «I'm waiting when all are led astray» («Carry On») or of the comparison («Blood and death are waiting like a raven in the sky» («Hail and Kill»), or as exaggeration of certain phenomena or events ( «Of the thousands suns pass by» («Holy War»), «I ride a comet» («Heart Of Steel»).

To sum up, it should be mentioned that the analysis was only a small part of the entire works of the band, and work in this field can be extremely fruitful because of the dynamic development of modern music and other spheres of popular culture in general.


  1. Chomsky N. Language and Mind /N.Chomsky. – N.Y., 1972. – 142 p.
  2. http://literary-devices.com
  3. Manowar // www.html/wikipedia//wiki/
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