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  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18


Tetiana Krysenko (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Tetiana Sukhanova (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

The system of word formation in the educational process of foreigners requires close and constant teacher’s attention. Students learn word formation rules and possibilities, the compilation of word-forming morphemes meanings deepen their professional training, develop the “sense of language”, expand the field of their communicative activity. It is especially important to use word formation techniques when teaching the scientific style of speaking for foreign students.

The effectiveness of teaching foreign students to the scientific style of speaking to a large extent is determined by their level of special terminology knowledge. Experience shows that teaching scientific terminology in proficiency for foreign pharmacy students faces difficulties with understanding complex adjectives as part of terms (голеностопный сустав, клиновидно-нёбная вырезка, крестообразные связки колена, etc.), describing the shape of an object in an educational scientific literature (Подвижные лейкоциты могут принимать амёбовидную форму), as well as demotivates (words with suffixes of subjective assessment) - anatomy terms [4, 18]. There are a large number of anatomy terms defined parts of the body by real-life objects analogy: суставная ямка, шейка кости, брюшко мышцы, etc.

Practice terminology, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that common language semantics must be fully comprehenced by students. A project of glossary on the background of basic literary vocabulary helps to achieve this aim. Study of special vocabulary in the aspect of teaching Russian as a foreign language must be focused on ready-made lexemes and word-forming models existing in general literary language, which serves as the basis for names of special concepts and terms. Study of secondary names motivation must be realized on primary values. In Grammar-80 (chapter "Nouns with the Meaning of Similarity") they analyze nouns with suffixes –к(а), -ок/-ик, -к(о)/-ышк(о), (productive types). Researchers note the general literary Russian language has a tendency to single out an increasing number of nouns formed by adding similarity suffixes [5, 205]. This process is highly developed in the language of science: цепочка электронов; колба с узким горлышком; лапка штатива, бороздка ребра, etc. We consider the meaning of similarity to be the common derivational meaning for this group nouns [1].

The department of Russian Language of National University of Pharmacy presented and pilot – tested a complex of lessons on word formation (module 1, 2). Introduction this complex for the 1-st year of study let to fasten the moment of active educational productivity in foreign students in order to provide their fluent professional communication in future. The objective of this complex development is to overcome the language difficulties and to avoid the psychological barrier while moving from commonly used basic vocabulary to language in proficiency, from daily language to academic, and to give the students an opportunity for self-study, to choose the topics with less availability in linguistics when learning essential subjects.

It is a question of great importance how to dosage new words during the one lesson. So, A. F. Kolesnikova suggests '' the advanced level of training requires no more than 20 new words…The further improvement of lexis, its quantity refinement and context must go on from lesson to lesson according to definite period of education, students’ abilities and time''» [2, 14]. We consider, it is difficult to solve this problem in a medical-pharmaceutical field: firstly, the vocabulary of students is different, secondly, the load when memorizing different lexical units is uneven, and thirdly, the ability of advanced students to grasp new words and word-forming models gradually increases [4, 64], fourthly, the professional education requires the students’ capturing the informative and extensive language material. On average, we allow the assimilation of 25-35 words, united by common semantic elements and formed on the basis of similar word-formation models.

There are following stages of learning new lexis: word appearance in the context; semantic meaning of the text as afunctional unit; return word to the text; word activity in the text with the help of speech practice on the basic text; wide word meaning, its

fouling ” with another words in systematic linkages combination; fixing the meaning of the word in the complex language and preparatory communicative exercises; speech training on the basis of learned lexis and various types of mastering control [4, 87-89]. We took into account these stages making up the tasks. For example, first, students examine the word-formation model of adjectives denoting the form of an object, and constructs for its expression, the next stage is to read a piece of text, find such adjectives and tell how they are formed. Than we propose the type of tasks to receive skills in the formation of adjective forms and use of constructions with them. Students are invited to: 1) Read the sentences and say what model they are made up. Find words and phrases describing the shape of the subject: Головка кости имеет шаровидную форму; 2) To listen to and to write down word combinations обозначающие форму предмета: Верхние суставные ямки атланта имеют овальную форму;

3) To read the sentence and to make questions: По своей форме грудная клетка похожа на овоид;

4) Use the words from the brackets, give positive or negative answer: Носовая кость имеет треугольную форму? (четырёхугольная) – Нет, носовая кость четырёхугольной формы;

5) Answer the questions using the models “what kind of shape” and “what shape does it have”: Какую форму имеет поясничный позвонок? (бобовидная);

6) Remake the sentence using the “what shape does it have” model: Плюстнофаланговый сустав имеет форму шара;

7) Make up sentences using these words: Слуховая часть, внутреннее ухо, напоминать, раковина улитки.

Then, foreign students are proposed to practice doing exercises on the compilation of short texts about the shape of the subject, when finished, they start to examine how the shape of the subject is reported in the text. The last stage provides checking assessment final controlling tests.

Therefore, the word passes a certain way of activation and consolidation, before it becomes the foreign students’ property and enters the broad way of fluent speaking in proficiency. The success of this process largely depends on teacher’s correct and effective methods used.


1. Буянова Л.Ю. Словообразовательное значение подобия (на материале суффиксальных образований терминов подъязыка агрономии)// Лингвистические и методические аспекты преподавания русского языка как иностранного. – СПб.: Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского ун-та, 1992. – С.53-59;

2. Колесникова А.Ф. Проблемы обучения русской лексике. – М.: Рус.яз., 1977. – 92с.;

3. Лукьянова Л.В. Русский язык для студентов-медиков. – СПб.: «Златоуст», 2001. – 120 с.;

4. Половникова В.И. Лексический аспект в преподавании русского языка как иностранного на продвинутом этапе. – М.: Рус. яз., 1982. – 103 с.;

5. Лопатин В.В., Улуханов Е.С. Существительные со значением подобия // Русская грамматика. Т.1. – М.: Наука, 1982. – С.205-206.


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