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  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18

Факультет педагогіки, психології та мистецтв


STRATAN-ARTYSHKOVA Tetiana Borysivna –

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

Professor of the Department of Musical Art and Choreography,

Dean of the Art Faculty of Centralukrainian

Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University

e-mail: [email protected]


   The article reveals the importance and effectiveness of the use of a personally oriented approach in the process of creative and performing training of the future teacher of music art. Personally oriented approach as the most adequate to the goals and objectives of education means the orientation to the individual as a goal, subject, result and the main criterion of the effectiveness in the pedagogical process. Personally oriented approach in close relationship with the subject approach to the holistic development of future specialists provides for the creation of conditions, fields of opportunities that maximally contribute to the development of their natural instincts and subjectivity. In this way, the direction of comprehensive development will be directed not to the reference level, but to the level of creative potential of the future teacher. The creative activity is carried out in the interrelated work of the teacher and the student, provides for the organized pedagogical impact of the teacher to the student, indicating the teacher’s readiness for conducting such activity, is directed towards the formation of the author’s ability of the student, manifested in the degree of coherence between the actions of the teacher and the student in the process of solving creative tasks, the teacher’s attitude to the student as a subject of learning, the organization of conditions for overcoming inertia, for creative events, the development of the student’s activity in creative and performing process. In the process of creative and performing training of the future teacher of music art personally oriented and subject approaches acquire of particular importance, as they are determined by the peculiarities of art and pedagogical communication, the fact of «dialogical» communication with the author of the musical work, with yourself, with the teacher, with the group. The personally oriented approach in close interaction with the dialogic and subjective approaches is the essence of the methodology of humanistic pedagogy and allows achieving the psychological unity of subjects of artistic and pedagogical interaction, which makes «оbjective» influence inferiors to the creative process of mutual development and self-development.

Key words: personally oriented approach, subject approach, individual, creative and performing training, teacher of music art.

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