Як казав свого часу Френсіс Бекон, «справжня і законна мета всіх наук полягає в тому, щоб наділяти життя людське новими винаходами і багатствами». Без сумніву, наука подарувала людству стільки назв винаходів та імен винахідників, що годі й намагатися пригадати їх усіх. Куди цікавіше звернути увагу на імена науковців перспективних і поки ще мало відомих.
Можливо, вони ще не вписали своє прізвище золотими літерами до наукових часописів, але саме вони закладають основу того, що згодом стане науковим майбутнім.
Мова у нашій статті піде про студентів факультету іноземних мов, які роблять перші спроби опанувати складне мистецтво науково-дослідної діяльності. Складно уявити собі, скільки годин, аркушів паперу та кілокалорій іде на написання звичайнісінької курсової роботи або ж статті до «Студентського наукового вісника»! Проте молоді дослідники – а їх на факультеті понад дві сотні! – не здаються і не шкодують сил на пошук наукової істини.
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На мою думку, візит до посла Великої Британії виявився дуже, і дуже цікавим! Спочатку я навіть і не думав що зможу знайти якісь спільні теми для обговорення, тому заздалегідь приготував деякі питання, про всяк випадок. Проте, ці заготовки мені навіть не знадобилися, адже посол виявився людиною, з якою можна легко знайти спільну мову, а також людиною із неабияким почуттям гумору.
Під час прийому ми обговорювали не тільки питання, які стосувалися конкурсу, а й питання спорту, музики, літератури та сучасної молоді. Мене приємно вразило захоплення містера Саймона Сміта російською літературою. Він зазначив, що Лев Толстой є одним з його найулюбленіших письменників. Оскільки посол вивчав різні мови, зокрема японську, ми запитали його чи не міг би він прочитати щось японською? На що посол радісно погодився та зачитав нам декілька рядків з японської книги, що нас дуже вразило. Зокрема, пан посол частував нас різними солодощами та справжнім англійським чаєм.
Іван Данилко
переможець конкурсу з публічного мовлення - 2013
студент факультету іноземних мов КДПУ
Well… meeting with the ambassador has been a very nice experience. I feared, that he would be a restrained boring man, but my fear broke at the moment I shook hands with the man, who introduced himself as Simon Smith.
You know what is the funny thing? We started our conversation with the traditional discussion of the weather, although I did not expect that Mr. Smith was really interested in the procedure of the Public Speaking Competition and the three of us: Ivan, Leonid and me were pleased to explain him what he wanted to know about it. Once he mentioned that he had some public speaking experience too and I asked to tell about it. He answered, that he participated in some public speaking competitons at school and in University and of course now he deals with a lot kinds of public speaking.
I was impressed, how many languages he knew. Seven! Can you imagine that? And now he is learning Ukrainian. You know, it is a great motivation to learn languages, to love them and to understand them properly. Now I have an intention to start learning some new language by myself. (Thank you Mr. Smith!)
During the whole conversation I felt rather warm I would say (and I don”t mean the temperature in the room). He acted very naturally and friendly and I understood that I won’t be bored. Mr. Smith made us smile widely while he was reading some lines in Japanese and also shared his preferences in sport and in music.
So, what else can I say? I really enjoyed the time I spent there.
Daria Bessadina
Runner-up of the Public Speaking Competition
Faculty of Foreign Languages
Фото - Олексія ВАЩЕНКА
8 February 2013
9:40 a.m. Room 610
Faculty of Foreign Languages,
Kirovograd State Pedagogical University
National Public Speaking Competition
Grand Final
“Ideas Are Our Greatest
All are welcome!
English Speaking Club
The organizers of ESU Ukraine have great pleasure in announcing the work of the English Speaking Club at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kirovograd State Pedagogical University.
Time and place:
12.40-2p.m., every Wednesday, Room 610
Convener: Philip G. Roffman, Ph.D, Peace Corps volunteer, an INSET methodologist.
All are welcome!
The Conveners of the English Speaking Union in Ukraine have great pleasure in announcing the beginning of the National Public Speaking Competition.
The competition will run from 31 October 2012 until 8 February 2013 in Kirovohrad, Ukraine.
The competition is open to students aged between 16 and 20 in full-time education at the time of the competition. Competitors must be passport holders of Ukraine and must have a valid foreign passport or travel document.
The winner of the National Public Speaking Competition will represent Ukraine in the International Public Speaking Competition that will be held in May 2013 in London.
Round 1 31 October 2012
To apply for the competition a student should send a filled in application form (in English and Ukrainian) and an essay (in English) by email to the address: [email protected] (See the application form below).
Participants write essays on the topic “Head or Heart?” and send them by email to the address: [email protected]
Requirements for the essay:
· Participants may interpret the theme in any way they see it, and they should not use the theme as the title for the essay.
· 500-600 words
· Times New Roman 14
· Structure of a personal opinion essay
The Deadline for application forms and essays is 31 October 2012.
The results of Round 1 will be announced on 15 November 2012 and the semi-finalists will be invited to take part in Round 2 by email/mobile phone.
Round 2 Semi-Final 14 December2012
1. Debate game.
2. Presentation of the prepared speech on the theme that will be announced in November 2012.
Debate and presentation of the prepared speech will be held in one day.
Five possible topics for debates will be announced in advance for participants to have time for thorough preparation. They will be sent to the semi-finalists by email. The actual topic for debate will be chosen from five possible only on the day of the debate game.
Requirements for the speech:
· Speakers may interpret the theme in any way they see it, but they should not use the theme as the title of the speech.
· In choosing their title, speakers should not be afraid to be provocative, hard-hitting or humorous.
· Speakers must avoid speeches that are likely to be perceived as diplomatic or highly political.
· Each speaker will be allocated 5 minutes. Judges may penalize speakers who overrun. Marks will be deducted for speeches which vary more than 45 seconds either side of 5 minutes.
· Each speech will be followed by the questions from members of the audience and the judging panel.
· No visual aids or microphones are used by the chairperson, judges or speaker. This includes props of any kind.
· Speakers may stand on a low stage but may not use a lectern.
Round 3 Final 8 February 2013
1. Impromptu speech.
participants will receive their topics 10 minutes in advance of giving their speech, they should aim to speak for 2-3 minutes.
2. Presentation of the prepared speech on the theme that will be announced in December 2012.
Key dates:
31 October 2012 Round 1 Deadline for a filled in application form and an essay
15 November 2012 The results of Round 1
14 December 2012 Round 2 Semi-Final.
8 February 2013 Round 3 Final.
Contact people: associate professors Margarita Ivanivna Danilko, Laryssa Olehivna Yarova, Nadiya Victorivna Ivanenko (Room 706, the English-Speaking Union, 1, Shevchenko Street, Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University)
Email: [email protected]
Mobile phones: +380509179515, +380672546400