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Факультет української філології, іноземних мов та соціальних комунікацій


The teacher’s day is celebrated at the end of the first week of October. It is dedicated to the most rewarding profession in the world, that carries a lot of responsibility, because you bring up a new generation, so our future really depends on you! 

Teachers are our Mentors, Leaders, Instructors, Guides, Friends. Thank you for being all this. Even when the tense moments or potential blow up you can lighten them by a quick joke or a little genuine laughter. You can be strict, firm but fair, but you never lose you control. We really appreciate it.

Dear teachers, we congratulate all of you on having a professional holiday and we wish you to have good health and energy, strength and harmony, because you make lots of effort while teaching us. Be persistent, as it is not an easy task to keep a group orderly and have good results, but it is a worthy work. Love your profession, as the best teacher is the one who teaches from the heart, not from the book. We are very grateful to you for the work you do, for your eagerness and dedication to the activity you are involved in. To be a teacher is not a job, but a vocation.

Happy Teacher’s Day!

Yuliia Skorohod
Anastasiia Myroniak
Group 202