Jana Spálová (Trnava, Slovakia)
Teaching of legal English is at six law schools in the Slovak Republic realized under the title of the course "Stylistics of English legal texts". Students start with this subject already in the first year of their legal studies. Generally, students have in Bachelor programme within two semesters this subject - the Stylistics of English Legal Texts. Total amount of semesters when they can study this subject are two semesters of English law (The Stylistics of English Legal Texts). As a teacher of foreign languages we understand that for other foreign languages such as German and French, the number of lessons are sufficient as the German and French law come from the same legal culture as our Slovak law. A common feature to all law of the old continent is that it exhibits the same structure - whether we talk about legal norms, legal institutes, legal branches and legal dualism. Common institutes and branches results in the fact that the lawyer acting in any country of the old continent can easily understand law of another country in Central Europe. Of course, the internal rules are different, but we understand the legal institute - its nature, or essence. This is due to the common historical backgrounds - Roman law, canon law, Napoleonic code, and philosophical - legal theory.
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Lina Smirnova (Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine)
Taking into consideration the problem of teaching English at non-philological faculties we normally put the question how we could do it effectively. Actually many internal and external factors influence how sufficiently students reach a new level in mastering a foreign language – from the way language is taught at the university to the student’s personality.
Nowadays the importance of personality has been reassessing and the issue has been addressed many times in various documents. For instance, in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment, one may read that the communicative activity of users/learners is affected not only by their knowledge, understanding and skills, but also by selfhood factors connected with their individual personalities, characterised by the attitudes, motivations, values, beliefs, cognitive styles and personality types which contribute to their personal identity [1, p. 105].
Zhanna Shatrova (Mugla, Turkey)
The need of specialists and professionals who can compete on the global labor market and advance in their careers is obvious. English as a main language of business, communication, and professional life is another thing which educators and policy makers agree on. Globalization and Englishisation acquired almost the same meaning (Marsh, 2006). How to warrant that young graduates will be equipped with skills, knowledge, and means to communicate those? English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is a growing global phenomenon (Dearden, 2014) and is seen as an effective tool to provide quality education for specialists in various areas in the counties where the native language is not English. At the same time, academicians express lots of concerns about the ways this approach is implemented and provisioned in higher education establishments. As a complex field of study, EMI practices need the input from all intersecting disciplines to get more insight of consequences and ramifications of this method (Dimova et al., 2015). One of the efforts to gain understanding and comprehensive data on the state and conditions of EMI is a British Council 2014 report on the study in 55 countries. It identified the areas which require improvement and reconsideration. Common obstacles and stumbling blocks for effective EMI teaching stem from insufficient educational infrastructure and lack of organizational and pedagogical guidelines (Dearden, 2014).
Victoria Piven (( Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine)
How is teaching aviation English different from teaching general English? This often stems from the perception that teaching aviation English is the same thing as teaching general English. In fact, it's more about helping learners develop their English skills for use in aviation context. Here are some tips to get aviation English teaching off to a good start:
Find out what students really want to achieve. As for specification for aviators teaching we should pay attention that very often we teach not only young students but busy adults who are used to working towards objectives. We should therefore discuss with them at the beginning of the course what they would realistically like to achieve. This usually means breaking things down into skills. Teachers should help set these objectives by analyzing the needs of the learners early on. This 'needs analysis' can then be shared with the learners and referred to as a way of keeping them engaged and motivated throughout the course. Bear in mind t that their jobs (pilots, ATC controllers, flight managers, aviation engineers, search and rescue officers, etc.) are really specific.
Ілона Палагута ( м. Умань, Україна)
Система сучасної професійної підготовки вчителя англійської мови зумовлена зміною мети мовної освіти, її оновленим змістом, розробкою інноваційних комунікативних методик, трансформацією технологій навчання. Професійна підготовка є обов’язковим підсумковим етапом підготовки майбутнього вчителя.
Сучасні університети у Великій Британії пропонують студентам різні організаційні моделі підготовки вчителів. Вища освіта представлена університетами і політехнічними коледжами. Існують три рівні навчання в університетах :
- (Undergraduate), базова вища освіта з терміном навчання 3-4 роки та отриманням диплома бакалавра (Degree of Bachelor);
- (Graduate), повна вища освіта з терміном навчання 1-2 роки та отримання диплома магістр (Degree of Master);
- (Postgraduate), навчання з отримання ступеня PhD (еквівалент кандидата наук в Україні).
Очевидною перевагою освітньої системи Великої Британії є її виняткова гнучкість: є можливість обирати дисципліни та спеціалізацію за власним уподобанням. Більше того – при бажанні вибрані предмети і напрямки можна поміняти. Водночас спостерігаються великі масштаби студентського обміну, обміну викладачами, регулярного наукового стажування, участі у престижних міжнародних конференціях, адже академічна мобільність є однією із цілей Болонського процесу. [1, с. 97].