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Yaroslav Chernionkov (Kirovohrad, Ukraine)

Today the needs of the Ukrainian education in highly qualified specialists, able to establish educational contacts and work cooperation with foreign partners, specialists in foreign language on a professional level, are reflected in the curriculum of the universities of the country. Today a foreign language is not just a part of culture of a particular nation, but this is the key to success, the future successful career of students. Achieving a high level of proficiency in a foreign language is not possible without the fundamental language training at high school.

As it is stated in the educational-qualifying characteristics of a specialist the entrants of higher non-linguistic educational institutions should speak a foreign language at A2-B1 levels and be ready for the development of professionally oriented foreign language course of B1 level. Unfortunately, experience shows that a significant number of young people, who are enrolled by the educational establishments, do not have sufficient proficiency in the international standard of a foreign language, that is required from the institutions of higher education to create the necessary competence in all kinds of speech activity in a short term.

It is important for a teacher to know the latest methods of a foreign language teaching, special teaching techniques and methods to choose optimally a particular method of teaching in accordance with the level of knowledge, needs and interests of students. Because teaching methods aren’t a simple "algorithm of suite units", their rational and reasonable using at the lessons of a foreign language demands creative approach of teacher’s activity, as far as "pedagogy is a science and art simultaneously, so the approach to the choice of teaching methods should be based on teacher’s creativity" [2].

Just implementation of interactive technologies of teaching foreign languages creates the necessary prerequisite as for development of speech competence of students as for formation of skills to make collective and individual decisions in problem situations. The active implementation of interactive methods can certainly be considered as the key to successful foreign language teaching.

In modern methods of foreign language teaching the understanding of “teaching method” is interpreted as the path to the goal (S. Nikolayeva). Interactive teaching method is a method of collective interaction of participants of educational process through conversation, dialogue, during which the interaction aiming at understanding, joint solution of educational problems and development of personal qualities of students is carried out [1].

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness and rationale for the use of a number of interactive methods in teaching English at non-lingual faculties, to disclose the value of these methods as means of intensification, optimization and stimulation of the learning process.

Interactive training has been explored by such scientists and methodologists as I. Abramova, N. Anikeeva, N. Borysova, A. Verbytskyi, Yu. Yemelyanov, L. Petrovskaya, V. Platov, V. Rybalskyi.

In our professional activities (teaching a foreign language at non-lingual faculties) we have investigated the implementation of new technologies at the lessons of "Foreign language of professional orientation" for many years, as evidenced by our publications over the years [3], [4], [5].

We’re going to present some methods and technologies that we implemented in our classes in different years. They are divided into 3 groups (already used, we are using currently, we plan to use):

Group I. The method of simulations – the simulation allows students to try themselves in a role of a group leader, teacher, gives the opportunity to investigate the working system of the educational sector;

  • Group method – while working in a group students’ communication skills become more advanced, the team spirit and characteristics of a leader of individuals are shown. This method teaches the student of self-active search of the answer, that is one of the main objectives of the Bologna process;

  • Role play method – role play is an active teaching method and a means of development of student’s communicative skills either. Role play is an active way of teaching the practical foreign language skills. Role play helps to overcome students’ language barriers, to increase significantly the amount of their speech practices;

  • The method of "case studies" – work on problem situations, students consider the problem, analyze the situation, present their ideas and solutions as for issues in the course of the discussion;

  • Non-situational interactive methods – dialogue, survey, interview, test;

  • Communicative method – teaching management system is not directed through grammar but it is led by communicative intentions. The student is in the center of teaching. Accordingly, all exercises and assignments should be communicatively justified by the scarcity of information, choice, and response (information gap, choice, feedback);

Group II. Learning to learn is the process of analyzing the organization of training, methods of achieving educational outcomes and personal dynamics by the student. Then students have to think about how they learn and what to do with the help of various online tools. In other words, students assess their own studying and the results of it (communicative approach);

  • Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) is a pedagogical principle in which students use gadgets (Smartphone, laptop, tablet), available to them. Needless to say that such a method saves financial costs on the technical equipment of classrooms. The most important thing is to provide Wi-Fi access to the Internet for students and discuss the purpose the gadget will be used for;

  • "Bricolage" is a term used in various disciplines, including the visual arts and literature which means creation of a subject or object from scrap materials. For example, in music, there can be a wooden spoon or saw as a musical instrument; in visual arts - prefabricated collages. Bricolage in education is the use of anything you want for studying, in addition to specially created tools like textbooks. The simplest example of this technology is the experiments in chemistry class, when the laws of chemistry and different reactions are not only read by the students, but also can be tested by them. There are two types of this technology: 1 – to take what is at hand and use it in different capacities; 2 – to create a new one from the existing old;

  • The project method – the primary use of the project method in teaching a foreign language is students' ability to master communicative competence, i.e. practical mastery of a foreign language. In addition, project-based learning promotes personal confidence of students; develops "team spirit", interpersonal skills and ability to collaborate; provides a mechanism of critical thinking, the ability to seek solutions of problems; develops students' research skills;

  • The method of simulating statements – this method differs from using the well-known logic-syntactic schemes that students build content and logic of their statements themselves on the basis of a spoken text. A teacher creating a situation where one party needs to convince others or just to talk about the benefits of some phenomena using the words always, and, sometimes, but, etc. can also be a good example of this technology;

  • Annotation – newspapers and magazines as a mass medium are very important for students in general, and English classes in particular, because they provide relevant information, informing everybody what is happening in the world around us and thus deepening and expanding the horizons of students.

Group III. The silent method presupposes a “silent role” of a teacher and at the same time great speech activity and independence of students;

  • The method of using computer technology in training students – computer technology can be implemented in three variants: the computer is used for training on specific topics; the computer is a primary tool for studying; all teaching, management of educational process, diagnostics, monitoring, rely on the use of the computer;

  • Computer training programs – specially designed programs for fast and effective learning of foreign languages.

We understand that our study is only a part of an ambitious experiment called "Using effective methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages". Further researches we see in the improvement of modern technologies, in finding and implementation of new, more susceptible for students of non-lingual faculties.


  1. Koval T. I. Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia inozemnykh mov u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh / Koval T. I. // Elektronne naukove fakhove vydannia / Int. inform. tekhnolohii i zasobiv navchannia APN Ukrainy, Un-t menedzhmentu osvity APN Ukrainy; hol. red.: V. Iu. Bykov – d. tekhn. n., prof. chlen-kor. APN Ukrainy. – 2011. – № 06. – Tom 26. – 291 s.

  2. Skurativska M.O. Cuchasni metody ta tekhnolohii vykladanni inozemnykh mov u vyshchii shkoli Ukrainy [electronic resource]. – Assess mode:

  3. Chernionkov Yaroslav. Rozvytok inshomovnoi komunikatyvnoi kultury zasobom intehrovanykh zaniat z anhliiskoi movy na nemovnykh fakultetakh / Yaroslav Oleksandrovych Chernionkov. – Nova filolohiia. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. – Zaporizhzhia: ZNU, 2008. – № 30. – S. 319-324.

  4. Chernionkov Ya. O., Rozhkova N.H. Innovative Aspects of Studying English at the Art Faculty / Ya. O. Chernionkov, N.H. Rozhkova. – Materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Mystetskyi osvitnii prostir u konteksti formuvannia suchasnoi paradyhmy osvity». – Kirovohrad, 2016. – S.

  5. Yaroslav Chernionkov. Yevropeiski tendentsii vykladannia inozemnoi movy na nemovnykh fakultetakh: zaochne viddilennia / Ya. O. Chernionkov. – Materialy Piatoi Vseukrainskoi naukovoi konferentsii romanistiv "Strukturno-semantychni i kohnityvno-dyskursyvni paradyhmy suchasnoho romanskoho movoznavstva". – Odesa, 2015. – S. 116-119.