Тетяна Ващенко
(м.Умань, Україна)
"The only path leading to knowledge - action"
George Bernard Shaw
The most interesting for students of modern innovative pedagogical technologies in the classroom is information technology. Information technology is one of the most modern and innovative pedagogical technologies, causing interest to both teachers and students in the classroom. Because interest is the main driver of activity, its development, the child's learning.
The past two decades, much has changed in education. I think that today there is no teacher who did not think over the questions: How can we make the lesson interesting, so bright? How to inspire the pupils your subject? How to create a classroom situation for each student's success? "A modern teacher would dream that the pupils at his lesson worked voluntarily, creatively; major subject of study at the maximum for each level of success. It is no coincidence. The new organization of society, a new attitude towards life and impose new requirements to the school. Today, the primary purpose of education is not only a certain amount of pupil accumulation of knowledge and skills, but also training of schoolchildren as an independent subject of educational activities. Modern education is based on activity and teachers, and, equally important, a student. It is the target of nurturing creative, active personality, able to learn, evolve independently, and subordinate.
To make the lesson innovative one, the teacher has to do a thorough preparation for it, be responsible, experienced and have a great wish and opportunities to fulfill the objectives of the lesson. Thus, the result of the effectiveness of the lesson depends on the professionalism of teachers. It is considered that three components must describe a teacher:
- knowledge of the subject;
- culture communication;
- the love of children.
Moreover, the basic principles of innovative education are depicted as the following:
- -creativity (creativity orientation);
- -acquisition of knowledge in the system;
- -non-traditional forms of lessons;
- -use of the visibility.
An innovative approach to learning allows the teacher to organize the educational process not turning just in fun or play. The definition of "innovation" as a pedagogical criterion is common and usually boils down to the concept of "innovation", "novelty". Meanwhile, innovation in exact translation from Latin means not "new". This connotation has invested in the term "innovation" at the end of the last century by J. Botkin. He outlined the main features of the "didactic" portrait of this method, aimed at developing the learner's ability to improve oneself, independent solutions, to work together in the new situation. Innovative learning combines the basic principles of the techniques developed by the following experienced teachers:
- Adamskiy (emancipation of the individual pupils);
- Shatalov, S. Lysenkov (freedom of teachers);
- Gubelskiy (turning the school into a community school development).
Therefore, the main objectives of the innovation of learning must include:
- development of intellectual, communicative and creative abilities of pupils;
- formation of the personal qualities of the students;
- develop skills that affect teaching and learning and the transition to productive creativity;
- the development of different types of thinking;
- formation of high-quality knowledge and skills.
Development of the communicative skills requires to conduct such types of lessons:
- integrated lesson
- lesson-research
- lesson-game
- lesson-holiday
- travel lesson
- lesson presentation
- TM intellectual
- games Olympics
- intellectual Marathon pupils.
Recommendations for the development of communication of the training skills are:
- Teach your child to express their thoughts. During his answer to the question ask him leading questions.
- Don't be afraid of ‘unconventional lessons’, try different kinds of games, discussions and group work to absorb the material.
- Make a text retelling algorithm for students.
- Organizing group work, remind children about the rules of debate. Encourage the child to ask questions on the material.
- Learn and be aware of the experience of the students, their interests, especially development.
To sum up all above mentioned, it is worth stating that innovative methods of teaching and learning are one of the best means of enhancing the effectiveness of education. Innovation means novelty, change; with regard to the pedagogic process is the introduction of the new components of pedagogical system, objectives, content, methods, means and forms of training [4].
- Khutorskoy A. Pedagogical innovation: methodology, theory, practice: scientific publication. - : IZD UNTS DO, 2005.
- Pavlova D. Modern technologies of teaching foreign languages / Pavlova // Young scientist. - 2012. - No. 11. - P. - 471-473.
- Zinina T. Innovative approaches to the teaching of the Russian language // Уoung scientist. - - No. - 8. - P. - 957-960.