Viacheslav Oleksenko
(Kharkiv, Ukraine)
The urgent issue of nowadays is to improve and increase the quality of training specialists against the background of amount enlargement and complexity augment of the information necessary for mastering by students while the terms of studying remain unchangeable and the quantity of hours is reduced. In particular, the works by V. Andruschenko, V. Bykov and other scientists are devoted to the definite important and interesting aspects of this problem [1 – 3]. Analyzing the latest researches and publications one can come to the conclusion that one of the ways of solving this problem is the introduction of pedagogical innovations into the educational process.
The research was made in the context of the pedagogical paradigm characterized by a humanistic trend, professional training, drawing a student to the process of searching, value of collaboration, trust to cognitive abilities of all students, formation of special factors with regards to social identity of an individual, understandable explanation of new ideas, productive practical realization.
In the traditional teaching process mastering new knowledge is carried out by the following common scheme. Students should first apprehend and understand the educational material given by their teacher, then think over the received knowledge with the help of a manual, fix it by solving typical and non-typical exercises, finally put it into practice. By such teaching the whole mental work is supported by eyesight, hearing and memory, and the checking is accomplished only according to results. The given educational process is an essential obstacle for improving the amount and the level of knowledge thus it doesn’t promote learning during the whole life. In our opinion such an approach does not reveal fully the possibilities of activating students in class and mastering knowledge by them.
Unfortunately there is an enormous gap nowadays between the training level of university entrants and the necessary sum of knowledge for institutions of higher education. Moreover the intellectual level of many school-leavers is quite low, they don’t have general erudition and they don’t enter higher educational establishments purposefully either. Ineffective carrying out studies results in the fact that students cannot formulate their ideas as well as work on their own, they don’t develop in the sense of individuals, etc. Consequently students get superficial knowledge which is quickly effaced from their memory. An unproperly educated person is supposed to be danger for the whole society that is difficult to overestimate.
The preconditions for solving the problem of improving the knowledge quality are humanization, humanitarization, democratization, fundamentalization, ecologization and computerization of higher education with the professional orientation. The didactic requirements for educational activities related to foreign language learning are described [4]. The introduction of computer technologies into the process of professional learning gives the possibility to go over to a quite different level of the information transmission. Besides it allows to create means of teaching powerful interactive abilities, to carry out effectively subject-subject teaching technologies, to take into account students’ traits of character, needs and employment.
In class all students should be given the possibility to demonstrate their knowledge, abilities, skills as well as to express their opinions. They should also be able to prove their points of view, to change their groupmates’ mind, to estimate not only theirs but also others’ answers, to perform the teacher’s role, to show the competence in the problems of the considered science. Finally to be a researcher of what is already researched, to realize one’s creative potential is vitally important.
The study resulted from active research and discovery is undoubtedly more pleasant and successful than passive observation, listening and reading. The new type of studies proposed by the author is called a studactive lesson which corresponds to all the above mentioned criteria [5 – 8].
Every student shows his worth to the extent of his intellectual development, advances at his own pace, and within the educational process the teacher is guided not by average students but each of them. In their work teachers are guided by the goal of training specialists of a world level who combine a wide fundamental, scientific, practical preparation, are able to solve complicated tasks that will provide the state progress and personal well-being.
The utmost independent activity of students is one more distinctive feature of the new type of studies. Students compose exercises, questions, answer them and estimate them on their own.
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