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Yaroslav Chernionkov

(Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine)

Nowadays, education in Ukraine is characterized by a transition from traditional to innovative education. The concept of modernization of the modern educational system pays special attention to the organizations of independent work of students (IWS). The situation with the languages ​​insists on strengthening the role of the IWS and increasing the responsibility of the teacher for the development of skills of student’s independent activity, stimulation of their professional and personal growth, upbringing of creative activity and initiative.

Different aspects of independent work of students are considered in the studies of native scientists: F. Aleksyuk, V. Bondar, V. Buryak, G. Getsov, N. Kichuk, L. Klymenko, N. Kuzmina, V. Lutsenko, P. Pidkassistyi, M. Smetansky. The problem of independent work in the study of a foreign language has been highlighted in the works of N. Zhuravska, S. Zaskaleta, L. Onuchak, H. Cooper, S. North, H. Pillay, L. Painter.

The purpose of the article is to consider the peculiarities of teaching foreign language by professional guidance for students of non-linguistic specialties: self-independent work.

According to the results of annual tests of non-language higher educational institutions’ freshmen, scientists L.Tomazenko and L. Khil’ko point out the discordant discrepancy between the requirements for the foreign language proficiency level of graduates of general education institutions and the actual level of language proficiency: students read and translate adapted texts with the dictionary; the reading technique is rather weak; almost all students have a bad pronunciation; the stock of words - less than 300-400 units, which is less than half the required stock for secondary school graduates, hence the dialogue and monologue broadcasting are also low - most of the time, first-year students can tell a few conversational topics - usually learned by heart; badly guided in grammar material [4, 200-204]. This quality of foreign language proficiency correlates with the level of A1 in terms of the Council of Europe.

The scientist Zaskaleta S. highlights the following forms of independent work in the study of a foreign language: classroom under the guidance of a teacher (at practical and laboratory classes); extra-curriculum with a teacher (consultations, preparation for class lessons); non-auditors without a teacher (in teaching practice, studying theory, performing home exercises, reading new foreign literature on specialty) [5, 113-116].

The analysis of scientific-pedagogical literature testifies to the availability of a number of possible classifications of independent work under conditions, according to the obligation to perform, according the level of autonomy, according to the way of accumulation of actual knowledge of the subject, according to the didactic purposes, [3, 306-410].

Under the foregoing, the content of the tasks of independent work of students should be determined by the communicative and cognitive needs of students, namely:

  • To improve the skills and abilities of reading and translating academic texts taking into account grammatical and stylistic norms of foreign and Ukrainian languages;

  • To deepen knowledge of grammar of a foreign language, grammatical structures necessary for understanding and generating statements of general and professional content;

  • To develop literacy skills (in particular, performing different types of exercises, writing messages, presentations);

  • To enrich the thematic and terminological thesaurus of the speaker with the forms typical of everyday and scientific spoken registers;

  • To improve the competence of oral communication within the framework of the program;

  • To deepen the existing knowledge of foreign-language phenomena and realities in line with modern ideas of intercultural communication [1, 312-316].

Іn our opinion, a qualitative independent work in "Foreign language for professional orientation" at Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University may take place under certain conditions:

  • Means, methods. So, as students do this kind of work without a teacher's tutor, then teachers should provide the whole package of tasks, tools, methods, technologies, and most importantly, recommendations;

  • Skills, abilities. In order to engage in independent work in a foreign language, students must have formed skills and abilities from the school. Unfortunately, the situation is now catastrophic, because students do not know how to do different kinds of independent work;

  • Motivation. Motivation is important for activating students' independent work in any discipline. If the subject is foreign language at the linguistic university (faculty), the motivation is natural, then, as a rule, at non-linguistic higher educational establishments, in the absence of a real linguistic environment, artificial motivation is required.

Therefore, we consider it worthwhile to mention the main types of independent work of students of non-linguistic faculties in a foreign language:

  • Independent work that provides preparation for classroom classes (performing various tasks and exercises, working with texts, preparing oral presentations of conversational topics, drafting dialogues).

  • Work with the grammatical material: translation of sentences from the native language into foreign languages ​​and vice versa, the use of correct timeline forms of the verb, filling passes, compiling questions of different types.

  • Study of lexical units of expressions, stable phrases (thematic dictionaries for those being studied), the use and use of the active vocabulary on the topic.

  • Work with the text: reading, oral and written translation of the text of the professional direction.

  • Review in the original films, cartoons, various shows.

  • Research work (preparation of abstracts and announcement of reports at student readings or scientific-practical conferences).

  • A special place in the independent work of students is the work with electronic dictionaries (Lingvo, Webster's Dictionary, Longman Dictionary, Macmillan English Dictionary). Students should learn how to find quickly the word with all its meanings and possible grammatical forms, listen to the voiced transcription and consider examples of sentences with this word in order to understand better its meanings in different contexts.

  • Participation in scientific circles, problem groups (improvement of all types of independent work in a relaxed atmosphere).


  1. Cherchata L. Metodychni aspekty orhanizatsii samostiinoi roboty studentiv nemovnykh fakultetiv z inozemnoi movy / L. Cherchata // Vytoky pedahohichnoi maisternosti. Seriia : Pedahohichni nauky. - 2014. - Vyp. 14. - S. 311-317.

  2. Chernionkov Yaroslav. The students of non-linguistic faculties and new requirements of studying foreign language. Online Book of abstracts of the second International scientific and practical Internet conference “Foreing language in professional training of specialists: issues and strategies”. – Kropyvnytskyi: EPC of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, 2018. – pp. 182-185.

  3. Pedahohichnyi slovnyk / za red. Diisnoho chlena APN Ukrainy Yarmachenka M. D. – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2001. – 516 s.

  4. Tomazenko L. V. Navchannia studentiv usnoyi komunikatsiyi yf zaniattiah z korektyvnoho kursu inozemnoyi movy [Corrective Course in Foreign Language : Teaching Speaking] / L. V. Tomazenko, L. A. Hilko // Pedahohichnyi almanakh [Pedagogic Almanac] : [zbirnyk naukovykh prats'] / redkol. V. V. Kuzmenko (holova) ta in. – Kherson : KVNZ ''Khersonska akademiya neperervnoyi osvity'', 2013. – Vypusk 18. – 303 s.

  5. Zaskalieta S. H. Samostiina robota studentiv pry vyvchenni inozemnoi movy yak zasib aktyvizatsii piznavalnoi diialnosti / S. H. Zaskalieta // Materialy konferentsii „Psykholoho-pedahohichni ta linhvistychni aspekty vykladannia movoznavchykh dystsyplin”. – Kh., 2010. – S. 112–120.