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UDC: 811.161.1

Eldynova Svetlana Nykolaevna

Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


Abstract.The article analyzes the group forms of work at Russian lessons in elementary school, because the elements of innovative technologies were introduced into the educational process, methods of critical thinking are considered, as they form students' conscious attitude to life.

Key words: group forms of work, critical thinking, secrets of poetry, Venn’s diagrams.

Ukraine is actively implementing innovative technologies, among which one can find the Critical Thinking Program. As an academic discipline, it has been taught in schools and universities in the West for a long time. Scholars came to the conclusion that "critical thinking can and should be trained, its culture should be purposefully and patiently increased at all levels, starting from the first grade of the school [3, 3].

Our interest in this project is explained by several reasons. First of all, it forms pupils’ conscious attitude towards life, an ability to assess events objectively, make the right choice, and succeed in various spheres of activity [4, 125], which is important for a person of any age. Secondly, the main points of "Critical Thinking" in many aspects, in our opinion, have common ideas with the national educational development. Developmental teaching forms the intellectual ability, schoolchildren’s independence, interest in learning" [2, 288-289]. In such a way, innovative foreign technology can harmoniously complete and vary the system that had been adopted by the school. Thirdly, this innovative interactive technology allows to use group and pair forms of work while discussing and solving cognitive training tasks by younger students, but at the same time it differs dramatically from the traditional system of studying.

In general, critical thinking forms such important personality’s qualities as the ability to formulate and adequately defend his own thought, to comprehend his own and others' experience, to build a chain of proves, to realize the inseparable connection of one's own principles and actions. And if it is so, critical thinking can become the key approach to teaching different disciplines at school, starting from the primary to secondary school, which will not only assimilate the skills of critical thinking, but also increases the effectiveness of learning subjects.

For the sake of historical justice, it should be noted that it was in this perspective that problem was also considered in S.I. Veksler's book, dedicated to the problem of development of pupils’ critical thinking in the process of their education [1], which was published in Kiev as far back as in 1971. In the style of the time, the author noted that the purpose of the book was to uncover the conditions for the formation of one of the most important qualities of the developed mind – criticality and in such a way help teachers in the organization of a full mental students’ development using such methods as mutual checking of the completed tasks, identifying and correcting of mistakes, conduction of lessons-debates, reviewing of creative works [1, 2-4]. Despite of the short list of methods mentioned by the author, many ideas for organizing and conducting group forms of work can be obtained from this book. More attention should be given to the motivational basis for studying the material, taking into account that "the student, who understood why he is studying the question, works harder to solve it", the person is eager to participate in collective discussion and solving of the problem [1, 7].

Therefore, it is possible to offer groups the task on motivational ground for the introduction of the certain educational material in the program and a textbook in the Russian language. For example:

1. Will the topic ”Composition of the word” be difficult? Why do we return to the topic again, but now at the Russian lesson?

2. The topic of the lesson is "Secrets of reading poems". Ask for advice in the group, try to answer the questions; what for do you need to know about these secrets? etc. Gradually, children themselves begin to predict why the lesson is dedicated to this topic, and what new, important, interesting things they can learn today.

At the end of the lesson, the children return to their "motivational applications", assess the accuracy of this prediction, the importance of acquired knowledge and skills.

What new knowledge did I get? Are they related to my previous knowledge? With which ones? Where can I use such knowledge? Will they be useful to others? Why? Whom and what exactly can I tell about it?

It is advisable to offer exercises for work in small groups in primary school not for reviewing, but for editing creative works. Tasks can be for a comprehensive analysis and for correcting individual disadvantages. For example:

1. Read the text expressively. Think about the words that should be replaced by others, more suitable to the content of the text.

Был большой морозец. Ярко светило солнце. Вдруг появилась черная туча. Посыпал густой снежок хлопьями.

2. Think, what sentences should be edited.

Первого числа месяца мая был солнечный день. Там люди и дети уже грелись на солнышке, а многие дачники в саду уже сажали овощи, сажали картошку.

3. Think about how you can convey such an idea in another way. Which group has more variants?

Сосульки закапаливесна приближается.

Particular attention should be given to the formation of children’s conscious, adequate self and mutual evaluation.

That work in groups should not turn into a pointless talk or a monologue of a leader, as it often happens in school, it is necessary to encourage children constantly estimate the results of their activities. To assess the learning activity at the end of the lesson, rating tables can be used with the following indicative criteria:

on the first lessons:

1) the reading is correct and expressive;

2) the answer on the questions is full and reasonable;

3) the retelling is expressive and accurate.

on the following lessons the pupils:

1) read;

2) asked interesting questions;

3) fantasize more.

To assess the participation of children in collective activities, you can use Venn's circular diagrams and the following evaluation criteria:

1. Activity

2. Argumentation

3. Creativity

4. Ability to cooperate

In such a way, among the positive moments of using the "Critical Thinking" technology the following can be identified: the teacher encourages pupils to search additional sources of information and helps children to search independently different ways of solving the task (understanding, content), supports their interest to a fruitful group and amond-groups discussion, during which the most successful (optimal) solution of the problem (reflection) is clarified. The teacher often uses different methods of assessment, with both academic achievements and general cognitive measures are assessed, as well as successes in the effective organization of group (collective) work. Assessment criteria are announced to students and discussed with them, the work is constantly done to improve the methods of self-and mutual control, reflection, as the last stage in the three-phased model of teaching of critical thinking.


1. Векслер С. І. Розвиток критичного мислення учнів у процесі навчання / С. І. Векслер. – К.: Вища школа, 1971. – 220 с.

2. Гончаренко С. У. Український педагогічний словник / С. У. Гончаренко. – К.: Либідь, 1997. – 375 с.

3. Тягло А. В., Воропай Т. С. Критическое мышление: Проблемы мирового образования ХХІ века / А. В. Тягло, Т. С. Воропай. – Харьков, 1999. – 285 с.

4. Халперин Д. И. Психология критического мышления / Д. И. Халперин. СПб.: Питер, 2001. – 138 с.


1. Veksler S. I. Rozvytok krytychnoho myslennya uchniv u protsesi navchannya / S. I. Veksler. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 1971. – 220 s.

2. Honcharenko S. U. Ukrayins'kyy pedahohichnyy slovnyk / S. U. Honcharenko. – K.: Lybid', 1997. – 375 s.

3. Tyahlo A. V., Voropay T. S. Krytycheskoe mыshlenye: Problemы myrovoho obrazovanyya KhKhI veka / A. V. Tyahlo, T. S. Voropay. – Khar'kov, 1999. – 285 s.

4. Khalperyn D. Y. Psykholohyya krytycheskoho myshlenyya / D. Y. Khalperyn. – SPb.: Pyter, 2001. – 138 s.


1. Wexler S.I. Development of critical thinking of students in the process of learning / S. I. Wexler. - K .: High school, 1971. - 220 p.

2. Goncharenko S.U. Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary / S.V.Goncharenko. - K.: Lybid, 1997. - 375 p.

3. Tyaglo AV, Voropay T. C. Critical Thinking: Problems of World Education in the 21st Century / AV Tjaglo, T. S. Voropay. - Kharkiv, 1999. - 285 p.

4. Khalpin D. I. Psychology of critical thinking / D. I. Khalpin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 138 p.

Елдінова Світлана Миколаївна


В статті аналізуються групові форми роботи на уроках російської мови в початковій школі у зв’язку з введенням у навчальний процес елементів інноваційних технологій, розглядаються прийоми критичного мислення, які формують в учнів свідоме ставлення до життя.

Ключові слова: групові форми роботи, критичне мислення, секрети читання віршів, діаграми Венна.