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Horska Olena Oleksandrivna

Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University


Abstract.The article reveals the system of formation of dialogue speeches of junior pupils in Ukrainian language lessons with the help of interactive learning technologies.

Key words: dialogue, interactive technologies of teaching, educational interaction, communication.

Modern trends in the renovation of the educational process, first of all are directed on its humanization, organization of effective interaction between its participants. The main means and a necessary condition for such interaction is the active and full communication among its participants. Modern educational institutions should withstand the destructive effects of social networks, where communication is reduced to the exchange of several phrases, which more often consist from exclamations, spoiled and vulgar words, syntactically incomplete sentences. The main task of the primary school is to teach the child dialogical speech, because the ability to use the language, interact with others, act as a supposition for his person-social and intellectual development.

The program for primary school for primary school purpose defines the main purpose of the course of the Ukrainian language "to form the communicative competence of the junior pupil, which manifests itself in the ability to use the language successfully in the process of communication" [3] – in such a way defines the need to create conditions for formation of the student as a subject of dialogical speech.

The need for the further development of the theory and practice of organizing a dialogic learning environment has determined the goal of our article - to reveal the peculiarities of the use of interactive technologies during the language lessons at primary school for the formation of dialogical speech of junior pupils.

Dialogue is a natural and the first form of communication as a factor of personality’s development. The lack of dialogic communication leads to various kinds of violations, deprivations, problems on the interactions with others, the appearance of complications in the adaptation in different life situations. That is why it is necessary to support the children’s need in communication, the skill to lead the dialogue with each other. According to the evidence of many specialists, in the process of education, the child is mostly silent and only perceives the teacher's instructions. It seems habitual and acceptable in order to speak, to pronounce the phrase, the child should get an adult's permission. As a result, the student is taught to restrain speech activity, can not quickly be involved in conversation and respond verbally to appeals.

Dialogical speech involves the exchange of replicas by two or more people, during which there is a constant switch from listening to speaking, from perception, understanding - to planning and producing his own statement. In live dialogical speech, the exchange of replicas occurs quickly, the result is unpreparedness and spontaneity, which requires high automatization and possession of speech units.

Socio-psychological understanding of the essence of the dialogue is not limited to its representation as an exchange of information, but involves interaction between partners based on mutual respect, trust, interest in the other, the ability to understand it, etc. In addition, in the process of dialogic communication the focus on the socio-psychological characteristics of the partner is a compulsory component: his status, position, situational role (perceptual component), which is manifested in the choice of adequate speech means [2; 4].

In the modern educational process, the dialogic paradigm corresponds to active and interactive learning technologies (from interact, where inter - mutual and act - act, that is, interactive - capable of interaction, dialogue) [7].

According to O. Pometun and L. Pirozhenko, interactive learning is " co-education, mutual learning (collective, group, learning in cooperation), where the pupil and teacher are equal subjects of education ... It effectively promotes the formation of skills, development of values, creation of atmosphere of cooperation, interaction ... "[5, p. 9].

A significant contribution to the development of general principles of training with the use of interactive technologies was made by M. Clarin, L. Pyrozhenko, N. Pobirchenko, O. Pometun, and others. The use of interactive teaching methods in elementary school was devoted in the works of the following teachers and methodologists: L. Akpinar, I. Dyvakova, O. Kravchuk, G. Kobernik, O. Komar, A. Lesina, A. Sotsenko, O. Strebna, V. Telyachuk, G. Shaiko, etc. Teachers-practitioners (M. Kalchuk, N. Omelchenko, M. Chabaevskaya, S. Sharovarka, etc.) are attempting to introduce new pedagogical technologies into the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language of junior pupils. The acquired pedagogical experience requires the generalization and definition of new approaches to the organization of training sessions, rethinking of their functions, improvement in accordance with new educational tasks, developing of new approaches in order to realize their educational potential.

Dialogic learning activities on the Ukrainian language lessons create favorable conditions for the formation of positive motivation for the education of younger students, direct their activities to the full mastering of grammatical orthographic material and speech development. As school practice shows, during the interaction of students, the activity of all the participants without exception is activated. In group activities, students’ results are higher on 20-30%, in comparison with the frontal, the results of getting knowledge and skills.

O. Pometune characterizes the group form of educational activity as a collective (cooperative) and emphasizes that this form of organization of small students groups’ training, united by a common goal, in order to provide the most effective educational process for themselves and their friends[5]. In the process of common activity, students try to get results that are beneficial for themselves and for all other members of the group.

Group work is such a form of organization of educational activity, which requires a temporary distribution of the class into groups for making a specific task. Students of each group are offered to discuss the problem given to them, to find its solution and to present the final result. This form of work is better than frontal provides for the consideration of differentiated students’ needs, opens more space for co-operation of students, for mutual control. O. Savchenko emphasizes that particularly the group forms of work form the pupils’ ability to work together, creates conditions for democratic interpersonal communication, mutual learning, the formation of moral motives of learning, rational usage of working time, opportunities for multivariante approaches to the solution of a common task [6 ].

Co-operative learning can be done not only in groups but also in pairs. A pair is a kind of educational team, where mutual learning takes place. The interaction of students in a pair, in comparison with the group, has its own peculiarities, which affect the organization of activities, but the mechanisms of the influence on children’s development are very similar to the group. The work in pairs is used as a separate independent learning technology, and as a preparatory stage for working in groups that helps to develop communicative and other students’ skills [5].

In organizing the speech dyadic interaction of students during the language lessons it is important to create such situations that would encourage them to express themselves, express their thoughts and feelings. For this purpose, fragments of role-playing games are used, in which the place of action (in class, in transport, park, store) is determined conditionally, the interlocutor (friend, younger brother, mother, guest, etc.), the purpose of the statement (to tell something, to report, to convince, to justify, etc.); simulation of language situations. Analyzing the result of the activity, the teacher leads the children to the conclusion that coordinated work allows you to find the most accurate words, interesting expressions, to identify the creativity of each, to speed up the task, to help the friend, to support each other. In the process of doing such work, the children offer "Rules of co-operation", which should be followed during the lesson:

1. Work together, do not be lazy.

2. Determine who does what.

3. Do not quarrel, do not argue.

4. To try to understand another person, etc.

When the children's preparation for the common work is completed, one can move to the creation of skills to work in pairs. For work in pairs it is worthwhile to offer such techniques as mutual verification, creative mutual dictations, making a story with a change of the beginning or the end, etc.

For example, in the first form at the lessons of Ukrainian language in the process of revision of sounds and letters, the teacher can prepare a crossword for every pair of pupils and offer them to solve it; find the words that have the letter, which was learnt during the previous lesson and make the words from the separate letters of the alphabet; ask questions about the content of the text, which was read.

Pupils of the second form prepare at home for the Ukrainian-language lessons cards with riddles and the words, the answers on the riddles, which correspond to the topic, studied at the lessons (for example, "Pronunciation and spelling of words with unstressed sounds [e], [и]"). At the lesson, working in pairs, the students perform the roles of "teacher" or "student" in turns. "The teacher" reads a riddle, which was prepared at home - the "student" gives the answer, writes this word down, explaining the spelling. "Teacher" asks for a rule, to which the spelling of the word corresponds and checks the correctness with the answer. After that, students exchange the roles. Such a pair role work "teacher-student", while learning the language can be done almost every lesson.

For teaching students the dialogue during the lessons of coherent speech, the teacher can propose the following sequence of work: students are distributed for work pairs into variants "A" and "B". Tasks are done simultaneously in pairs, based on individual cards. Topics - "In the library", "In store", "In transport" and others. After training, one of the pairs, if it is necessary, can demonstrate the exercise in front of the whole class.

Variants "A" and "B" get tasks and instructions - algorithms for their doing. In individual cards you can mark initial replicas of the dialogue, reference words, phrases, forms of appeal. The least amount of time should be spent on instructions. The given above sequence and the content of the tasks can be changed, taking into account the students' experience, the structure of the cards, the previous work, the volume of expression, etc.

In the same sequence the tasks for group work are prepared. The social roles are defined for each participant and accordingly they are offered to do some communicative tasks and support of the statement. One of the common methods of organizing group dialogue can include the following sequence of work: the teacher offers children to make a dialogue, distributes roles between the participants, and then the pupils make it several times.

When a teacher is convinced that students can make tasks in pairs, teach each other, he can move on to group activities. In the organization of such work, the common activity of students is done on the highest level, as it is more difficult to interact with four people than in pairs. Interactive technology "Two - four - all together" suggests that initially children discuss the question with a neighbor, who sits at the same desk, then four people, and then - summarize the overall results with the whole class.

Form groups should be formed in such a way that it should include pupils with different levels of knowledge. The teacher manages the teamwork through instructions and memos. For example:

1. Read the task.

2. Agree, in which order the questions will be named.

3. Each person does his part of the work.

4. Discuss the correctness of the work of each member of the group.

5. Estimate the work of each member of the group.

6. Determine who will report the results to the class.

In the lesson of the Ukrainian language in the third class on the theme "Language is the most important means of communication", while working with the textbook, you can use the technology "teaching - studying", since the material contains a certain block of information and requires a generalization and repetition of the knowledge already available to students about the language as a means of communication and its functions in human life. Consequently, the use of this technology will enable students to participate in the transfer of knowledge to classmates, to expand their knowledge and improve speech intelligence. For example, firstly in pairs, the children answer the questions of exercise number 1: Remember that you already know the language.

1. Why do people need speech?

2. What is our language?

3. How, in what form do people communicate with each other?

4. How do you understand the name "Language - the most important means of communication"?

5. How can birds and insects interact with each other?

6. Determine who reports the results to the class.

During the lesson of the Ukrainian language in the third form, while learning the topic "Language is the most important means of communication", while working with the textbook, the technology " studying while teaching" can be used, as the material contains a certain block of information and requires a generalization and revision of the students’ knowledge about the language as a means of communication and its functions in human’s life. Consequently, the usage of this technology will enable students to participate in the presses of transferring knowledge to classmates, to expand their knowledge and improve oral speech. For example, firstly in pairs, the children answer the questions of exercise 1: Remember, what doyou know about the language.

1. What for do people need the language?

2. What does our language consist of?

3. How, in what form do people communicate with each other?

4. How do you understand the phrase "Language is the most important means of communication"?

5. How can birds and insects interact with each other?

Then the teacher unites the students into groups of 4 people, taking into account the level of children’ knowledge. Schoolchildren exchange their knowledge in turns and come to common conclusions. Then a representative from each group reports about the results of their common activity, and students from other groups complete the answers.

At the final stage of the work at the topic, it will be appropriate to introduce the technology of collective-group training, called "microphone", which allows each student to express his opinion or idea. Also, the technology of "microphone" can be used not only in the process of discussing a problematic question or an organized discussion, summing up, but also while asking pupils one by one, in the process of ding various exercises, given in the textbooks, while checking homework.

For example, each student gives his own example of a sentence according to the scheme; names words according to given description; offers his variant of continuation of the text; he himself answers the question and asks his own question to the next student based on the studied subject, etc.

For the development of the coherent speech is reasonable to use an interactive technology, called "aquarium", which is a form of activity of pupils in small groups. Among the students of the class, a group of "experts" is selected to observe how classmates do the tasks. For example (The topic "Making a composition based on the picture"):

1. Look at the picture.

2. Make a story, based on the picture. Give it a name.

3. Use the prop words in the story.

4. Follow the structure of the text.

After the presentation of the story, "experts" make comments and suggestions, add, make some corrections.

When the students mastered the methods of work in the group, it is possible to use a more complicated form of group activity: collective-group, which involves the interaction of not only members of the group, but also the interaction between groups.

An example of group work in the final lesson of the Ukrainian language in the second form after studying the chapter "Sentence", the game "Brain - ring" can be conducted (the class is divided into three teams, for each tea five questions are prepared). For example, we offer the following questions to teams:

1. What is called a sentence?

2. What kind is sentence is called narrative?

3. In which kind of sentence an exclamation mark is put at the end?

4. Which sentence is called interrogative?

5. What sentence is called imperative? and so on.

Each team, should listen to the question and give the correct answer as soon as possible. Such a competition contributes to the activity of each student and stimulates team work. In addition to reproductive questions, that require correct answers, it is advisable to give creative, non-standard tasks, based on intelligence and ingenuity.

Group activity always ends with discussing the results of cooperation, reflection. Such work contributes to the development of communication skills, to improvement of the ability of students to discuss and give reasons for their answer. At the same time it is necessary to develop pupils’ culture of communication, which is manifested not only in the appropriate usage of the formulas of speech etiquette, but also in the ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor, to pause your speech in order to give the opportunity to another person to express himself, to make comments correctly, to add.

The introduction of interactive technologies requires from the teacher a thorough methodological preparation, the ability to orient in the situation quickly, to determine the necessary degree of students’ intervention in the dialogue, to manage their work, to be ready for unexpected situations.

Thus, the use of interactive learning technologies and the formation of pupils’ experience in pair and group work is effective and inalienable in the process of mastering the dialogue speech during the lessons of the native language. Especially at the initial stage of learning every child gets the desire to learn, to be active, to make decisions independently, to prove his or her own opinion and to convince others - that is, to form skills of dialogue communication - which is largely promoted by interactive teaching techniques.


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Олена Горська


У статті розкривається система формування діалогічного мовлення молодших школярів на уроках української мови за допомогою інтерактивних технологій навчання.

Ключові слова: діалог, інтерактивні технології навчання, навчальна взаємодія