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Bakhmat Nataliia Valeriivna

Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department

Kamenets-Podilsky Ivan Ogiyenko National University

Kamyanets-Podilsky (Ukraine), E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. In the article the substantiation of the IT-oriented design theoretical foundations of higher educational establishment implemented.

The above points to the need to search and formation of advanced models of primary school teachers training, which is a goal-setting focus on the free development of the learning process subjects, the right to choose for future teachers their own concept of professional activity in the conditions of innovative IT-oriented educational learning sphere.

Keywords: primary school teachers training, information technology, cloud technology, competitiveness, IT-focused pedagogical educational sphere.

The development of modern education is characterized by the widespread introduction of information technology (IT) that promotes its availability, efficiency and in general, improve the educational process.

The results of scientists research show that the computerization of education has led to increased interest of scientists to deeper interest of scientists to this assignment and the practical usage of Internet, social and cloud services. This problem is examined by N.P. Balyk, VY Bykov, R. S Gurevich, N.P Dementievskaya, M.I. Zhaldak, A.P. Zabarnaya, I.A Zakharov, L.A Kartashov, V.V. Lapinsky, N.V Morze, E.S. Polat, E.D. Patarakin, Tim O'Reilly, and others AKozlenko, E.S. Markov, L.E. Petukhov A.I. Shiman and others explore implementation and usage of IT in primary education.

Researchers found that it is necessary to develop curricula of various levels of complexity pedagogical disciplines for improving teacher’s professional level.

The discrepancy between the necessity of educational sphere development in the conditions of informational support and insufficient development of cloud technologies methods in the process of in the primary school teachers preparation as a component of the educational sphere is revealed.

Therefore, it is necessary to justify the theoretical bases of designing IT‑oriented sphere of higher educational establishments (HEE) as a multiple-aspect dynamic open system that promotes primary school teachers training in the information society.

The problem of formation and development of IT-oriented teaching sphere (ITPES) can be considered as one of the key methodological and applied problems of modern pedagogy in the context of globalization.

In terms of IT PES systemic approach can be viewed as a set of elements of pedagogical information space formed from electronic educational resources, reflecting the information on the subjects of education, infrastructure that provides access to the educational and methodological information and information flows, located in the world's pedagogical networks.

The creation of educational situation by the teacher, selection of standard tasks and management of the future teachers in using IT-technologies and based teaching pedagogy methods. The IT PES can be the tool for the achieving these goals.

The main structural elements of IT PES, in our opinion, should be the base of teaching and methodological materials and the information about training subjects, electronic manuals, diagnostics and control of education, etc. It is assumed that the IT PES can be used to the preservation and provision of educational material; storage base pedagogical tasks and assignments for self and group performance; organization of independent cognitive activity; implementation of the current and final control; presenting a wide range of reference material; organizing and managing the educational process.

Based on the study of the role of IT in primary school teachers preparation in the context of a systematic approach we have identified important roles IT PES that promote personal and professional development of teachers and positively influence on the formation of the teacher personality.

There is the relationship between the educational and pedagogical process subjects; the coordination of pedagogical disciplines connections relations; the connection of pedagogical training with the development of IT processes; the advice on various aspects of training and production activities; the analytical information about Ukraine HEE activity and the peculiarities of teachers pedagogical training in other countries; ensuring of emergence of new personal qualities formation of the teacher.

IT PES development and implementation can provide simultaneous participation of educational process subjects wide range, to activate the cognitive activity of each, to generate motivation and professional interest, combine individual and group training, to introduce competition elements and cover the participation in the development environment.

Of course, the design of IT PES is a complex process which in accordance with the main targets of lifelong learning pedagogy in HEE defines the structure and the main components of the environment, training and structuring of content, technology its submission.

Therefore, we can assume that the success and competitiveness of today's graduates HEE (future primary school teachers) it is useful to create IT PES , the terms of which will contribute the possibility of formation of teachers readiness to move away from traditional forms of educational process organization, creativity and creative motivation, searching for the new effective ways of working with primary school students.

IT PES of future primary school teachers pedagogical training in HEE we consider as open, dynamic multi-dimensional real space that provides interaction and educational process cooperation of subjects, the development of teachers and students personal qualities in the course of solving educational problems.

In studies L.V. Denisova, S.G. Litvinova, L.F. Panchenko [1; 2; 3] the problems of information culture, computer literacy are discussed. However, it should be noted that the decision of the identified problems does not exhaust the problem of primary school teachers training in the condition of permanent society information and constant information saturation.

We are talking about the modern IT-oriented learning sphere formation of HEE, which can be regarded as the basis of continuous teacher training of modern primary school teachers competitive.

The results of the empirical analysis of the designing IT PES primary school teachers training theoretical foundations give possibility to confirm that in nowadays in professional activity of modern teachers in the primary education the need of searching non standard solving ways of activities typical problems related to the training and education of students arises. It indicates the formation its professional and personal qualities certain requirements as the presence of professional pedagogical competence, creativity, high level of pedagogical skills, willingness to use innovative forms, methods and tools to assist in the support of the analytical work of the teacher and creative student-centered approach to making the right solutions.

The above refers to the search for new approaches and innovative organizational formation conditions of primary school teachers training in HEE.

The process of professional modern teacher training should be aimed at the formation of competitive teacher, whose professional activity and level must comply the principles, standards and requirements of high-tech information society and the construction necessity of IT PES concentrated on his special training.

The process of teacher training should be aimed at the formation of professional competence, ensuring the readiness of the teacher to change and adaption to the mobile professional activities in accordance with the requirements of society, dynamic and continuously developing.

In our view, an important factor in the development of practical and methodological recommendations on the formation of the theoretical foundations of primary school teachers training designing IT PES in HEE and the use of modern international experience in the evaluation of modern primary school teachers professional pedagogical competence can become account of the special teacher training in the developed countries of the world as United States , Japan, Finland, Great Britain, Israel and others.

Now pedagogical education of Ukraine takes quite a difficult period of development, which is attributed to the change of social, political and economic model of development of society, fundamental changes in social and political life, and the need for the real opportunity to integrate into the European and international scientific and educational space. There is an important problem of national specifics authenticity on the background of social globalization.

It is obvious that today there is the need to review the direction of primary school teachers training the leading ideas in the direction of formation professionally oriented skills and abilities in modern dynamic innovation circumstances.

Thus, the main objective of primary school teachers training can be considered the formation of personality, a high level of artistic and professional qualities, the presence of which in the future will allow him to provide in primary school the conditions of students’ creative development.

However, the exploration of theoretical developments and practical teaching experience of future primary school teachers pedagogical training in Ukraine and analytical review of methodological developments confirm what is the most commonly used predominantly bit outdated traditional approaches to learning that suggests an emphasis on the formation of pedagogical skills and forced to use an application software as the tool.

Solving the problem of the development and formation of IT PES primary school teachers training in Ukraine should be considered in the context of trends in the development of the information society of teacher education in developed countries (USA, Japan, Finland, Great Britain, Israel, and others), among which the main ones is the orientation in training on the competence-based approach; the growing of self-education role, self-study; the priority to quality education; the possibility to choose the individual learning paths; improvement of the state standards; the adaptation to the requirements of globalization and informational support of society; the course to the inclusion into the world educational space; the continuity of education, the transformation of the concept of "education for life" in the concept of "lifelong learning"; the fundamentalization of education; the enhancing of diagnosis role and assessment of learning outcomes.

We think that these aspects in the searching for ways of developing primary school teachers training IT PES will raise their theoretical pedagogical training in HEE to the new level and create the motivation of students to use IT as a school, and in their future professional activities; generate awareness of the importance of future teachers and pedagogical value of IT as a means of multivariate influence on the formation and development of the individual student's elementary school; generate awareness and evaluation of the IT importance in the formation of a dynamic, innovative learning sphere as a modern institution.

Thus, the marked points to the necessary searching and formation of primary school teachers training advanced models, which is a goal-setting focus on the free development of the subjects in the studying process, the right to choose their own professional work concept of future teachers in the conditions of innovative educational environment. Nowadays, the information technology can serve as the basis and mechanism for the advanced development of the higher pedagogical education in Ukraine with providing admonished opportunities and solutions of selected problems.


1. Denisova L.V. Hypermedia information in training as the method professional training of physical education and sport specialists: abstract of a thesis of the candidate of pedagogical sciences : [spec.] 13.00.04 "Theory and Methods of Professional Education" / L.V. Denisova; National University of biological resources and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2010. – 22 с.

2. Litvinova S.G. Methods of using technology virtual classroom teacher in organizing individual student learning : abstract of a thesis of the candidate of pedagogical sciences: [spec.] 13.00.10 "ICT in Education" / S.G. Litvinova. – Kyiv., 2011. – 22 p.

3. Panchenko L.F. Theoretical and methodological foundations of information and educational environment of the University : abstract of a thesis of Doctor of Pedagogy [spec.] 13.00.10 "ICT in Education" / L.F. Panchenko; DZ "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University ". – Luhansk, 2011. – 44 p.