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Факультет педагогіки, психології та мистецтв


Kinga KUSZAK –

Professor of Adam Mickiewcz University,

Faculty of Educational Studies, Poznań, Poland

e-mail: [email protected] 


    The article addresses the issue of a cultural society that has been perpetuated by its language. The language is an expression of the community’s social practice and experience accumulated over the span of many generations. It enables its users to transfer values, assessments, judgements, and standards of conduct which foster behaviours, actions, beliefs, and ethical and normative systems of the community. In particular, the article highlights the role of phrasems - combinations of two or more words, which play an important role in the transmission of cultural experience between successive generations of speakers. The author attempted to prove the thesis that the phrasemes established that, which is important and valuable to society in every period of its historical development. She indicated, that it is in the languages fixed sayings that the way of seeing the world of past generations, relationships between people, their preferred values, etc. have been hidden. The study cited phrasemes characteristic of the Polish language that have different sources, and then their interpretation was made, pointing towards the importance of the literal and metaphorical meaning. The final part drew attention to new phrasemes, which persist in the public consciousness thanks to the impact of advertising and mass media. Language changes and expands, although it also requires its users to care about its development and employ its abundant possibilities in a conscious manner. This abundance is hidden in every language’s phrasemes. It is therefore advisable to explore them with children and teenagers as early as possible, interpret them and search for their meanings and origins. Such activities, which I call «phraseological immersion», stimulate linguistic sensitivity and develop linguistic awareness in the contemporary users of all languages.

Keywords: society, cultural experiences, language, phrasemes, collocations, phraseology, word meanings, word origins, communication, Polish language.

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