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Факультет педагогіки, психології та мистецтв


KRIVOKHIZHA Irina Valentinivna

postgraduate student of the Central Ukrainian Vladimir Vinnichenko
state pedagogical University
e-mail: [email protected]


   In the article lights up the training of future teachers-musicians in contemporary Poland. Training of teachersmusicians to the implementation of music education adequately define the content of education, which following components: formation of professional musical abilities; study musical theory, psychological, pedagogical and methodological disciplines; development framework and operations of performing activities; practical study of professional disciplines.

   An important form of training of the future teacher-musician in Poland to the performance of an active performing a practice that is carried out directly in the learning process of the future teacher-musician and has such traditional forms as test-examination and concert. Intensification of performance practice promotes the use of various forms of performing activities, educational-themed concerts, recitals, competitions for the best performance of works of a particular author, one style of music genre.

   The musician- educator should have: knowledge of the history, theory, practice music and instrumental music performance and pedagogy; high performance culture; knowledge of the history of art and musical culture.

   An important method of training future professionals of music in Poland stands activation method of performing practice, the essence of which is the methodological support active performance activity.

Keywords: teacher, musician, Poland, professional training.

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