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Registered under control number: 101047451
Full project name: Subnational gender equality: balance of EU values and Ukrainian realities
Project duration: 01 Jun 2022 – 31 May 2025
Project budget: 30 000.00 €
Grant recipient: Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University
Coordinator: Kateryna Akbash, tel. +380506589684, e-mail: [email protected]
Project summary:
Gender inequality is a phenomenon, which plays role both in formal and in non-formal aspects of life. In addition to various gender stereotypes are common, population has a low-level awareness on issues of gender equality, and there is no reliable and regularly collected statistics. If we talk about both of national and sub-national levels such fact as gender inequality has it`s different ways of expression and complicates the development and implementation of the effective political actions.
In Ukraine the gender inequality is practically have not analyzed at the institutional level. That is why the gender inequality researches, giving information, gender equality promotion based on the European values and the best experience and extremely valuable and necessary for us.
The implementation of this project is relevant for acceptance the European values, culture, and the gender equality promotion and getting rid of conservative patriarchal stereotypes. This point is also valuable for the formation of a new Ukrainian school as gender neutral.
Therefore, the main purpose of the project is popularization points of gender issues among different strata of population and drawing public attention to the gender equality promotion and universal inclusion of gender dimensions.
The project implementation in the direction of researching and distribution of the European experience in world gender researches will be the prolongation of the cooperation with European programs Tempus (2009-2018, Project “Educational measurements, adopted to EU standards”) and ERASMUS + (2015-2018, Project “Educational program “Gender studios: the step to the democracy and peace in countries which have different traditions and situated near the borders of European Union”).
Because if this we can say that our cooperation experience, professionalism and pedagogical experience make the good basis of project implementation and effective broadcast of its results to another people, who are not directly take part on the project, such as bachelors, masters and postgraduate students.
The project implementation at the sub-national and institutional levels involves a number of different activities such as forming of students’ and teachers’ abilities to navigate the peculiarities of international European practice in the field of gender educational statistics, gender stereotypes and prejudices in world education and gender education technologies.
It will take place in the form of course implementation in the educational process of pedagogical specialties and in the form of summer schools also. In addition to meetings, educational visits, promo actions were planned. Among participants will be all society in general, teachers, personnel of the regional statistics office, personnel of sociological services of the region, medical personnel.
Finally, it is planned to organize a research work to generalize and systematize the results of the project. It will include the study of the main approaches in the EU and Ukraine to gender equality and adaptation of complex gender indices to the subnational and institutional levels. It is planned to acquaint politicians, businesspersons, specialists and the public with the results of scientific research work and plan the use of project materials to promote and finance gender equality.
Target group: teachers; students of various bachelor's and master's programs of the university; management staff of universities; representatives of the public organization "University of the Third Age "Inspiration"; teachers of humanitarian departments of the Central Ukrainian National Technical University; teachers of the Kirovohrad region; members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the Kirovohrad region.
The project envisages the following results:
- Creation of a package of educational materials highlighting various aspects of gender equality at the national and sub-national levels, ready to be implemented in educational programs for all specialties of the university;
- Creation of the monograph "Adaptation of gender indices to the subnational and institutional level: a balance of EU values and Ukrainian realities" on the adaptation of complex gender indices to the subnational and institutional levels and methodologies for implementing adapted gender indices in the practice of the statistical structure of Ukraine and its regions, as well as in statistical corporate services; in the activity of health care structures; in the practice of functioning of sociological structures; in political decisions.
- Promotion of gender issues among the public.
Професійний профіль та експертиза
З 2015 по 2019 рік Р.Ріжняк був відповідальним виконавцем проекту «Програма підготовки Гендерні Студії: крок до демократії та миру у сусідніх до ЄС країнах з різними традиціям» (561785-EPP-1-2015-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP ).
Протягом останніх років брав участь у заходах, що стосуються досліджень Європейського Союзу:
1) Міжнародне стажування: психолого-педагогічний аспект гендерних досліджень, 25-29 червня 2018 р. (Університет Аристотеля, Салоніки, Греція).
Є автором 18 наукових публікацій з гендерної проблематики (у тому числі підручника «Теоретико-прикладні основи гендерних досліджень»).
Ріжняк Р. Я. є завідувачем Міждисциплінарного наукового центру прикладних досліджень ЦДПУ. Одним із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження центру є гендерна проблематика.
Основні публікації за тематикою проекту
1. Akbash K. S., Pasichnyk N. O., Rizhniak R. Ya. (2018). Generalization of calculation methods for gender indices in demographic and social statistics. Regional Statistics, Vol. 8. No. 2. 2018. pp.170-183. DOI: 10.15196/RS080205 http://www.ksh.hu/docs/hun/xftp/terstat/2018/rs080205.pdf
2. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2019) Adaptation of the UN’s gender in equality index to Ukraine’s regions. Regional Statistics; Budapest, Vol. 9. No. 2. 2019: 190–212; DOI: 10.15196/RS090208 http://www.ksh.hu/docs/hun/xftp/terstat/2019/rs090208.pdf
3. Akbash, K. S., Pasichnyk, N. O., & Rizhniak, R. Y. Teorety`ko-pry`kladni osnovy` genderny`x doslidzhen`. [Theoretical and applied foundation of gender studies]. Textbook. - Kropyvnytskyi: Publisher – V.F. Lysenko, 2019. - 340 p. Textbook - http://gestproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Akbash-Pasichnyk-Rizhniak-Theoretical-and-Applied-Basis-of-Gender-Studies-002.pdf Textbook (E-Book) - http://gestproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Akbash-Pasichnyk-Rizhniak-E-VERSION-Theoretical-and-Applied-Basis-of-Gender-Studies.pdf [in Ukrainian].
4. Akbash, K. S., Pasichnyk, N. O., & Rizhniak, R. Y. (2019). Staty`sty`chny`j analiz gendernogo rozvy`tku regioniv Ukrayiny` [A Statistical Analysis of Gender Development in Ukrainian Regions]. Statistics of Ukraine, 86(3), 90-99. https://doi.org/10.31767/su.3(86)2019.03.10 [in Ukrainian].
5. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017). Vy`znachennya pokazny`kiv rozpodilu genderny`x grup za xarakterny`my` oznakamy`. [The determination of Indicators of the Gender Groups Distribution by Characteristic Features]. Statistics of Ukraine, 2(77), 6-12. https://doi.org/10.31767 [in Ukrainian].
6. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017). G`enderny`j analiz yak prakty`chna skladova pidgotovky` magistriv za specializaciyeyu "G`enderni studiyi: naukovy`j aspekt". [The gender analysis as a practical part of preparations of masters in the specialization “Gender studies: scientific aspect”]. Proceedings. Series: problems of physical and mathematical and technological education methods. V. 4, № 11, p.3-9. https://phm.cuspu.edu.ua/ojs/index.php/NZ-PMFMTO/article/view/1162/1141 [in Ukrainian].
7. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017). Vy`znachennya pokazny`kiv rozpodilu xarakterny`x oznak u genderny`x grupax (na pry`kladi studentiv fakul`tetu). [The Definition of Indicators of the Allocation of the Characteristic Features in Gender Groups (on an Example of Faculty Students)]. Scientific Works of Kirovohrad National Technical University. Economic Sciences. Kropyvnytskyi: CUNTU. No 31, P.236-244. https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=573124 [in Ukrainian].
8. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017). Analiz anketuvannya z gendernoyi tematy`ky` studentiv z vy`kory`stannyam pokazny`kiv py`tomoyi asy`metriyi. [The analysis of questionnaire on gender issues of students of the faculty with the use of specific indicators of asymmetry]. Grani, 20(6), 5-16. https://doi.org/10.15421/171777 [in Ukrainian].
9. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. Genderna (ne-) rivnist` vzayemovidnosy`nax pracivny`kiv fakul`tetu na osnovi analizu pokazny`kiv py`tomogo pary`tetu. [Gender (in)equality in the relations between employees of the faculty based on an analysis of specific paritet]. Research Bulletin. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. Kropyvnytskyi: KDPU them. V. Vynnychenko. V. 159. – P. 30-43. https://www.cuspu.edu.ua/images/download-files/naukovi-zapysky/159/7.pdf [in Ukrainian].
10. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2018). Zastosuvannya prosty`x indeksiv gendernogo pary`tetu u demografichnij ta nedemografichny`x sferax. [Application of simple gender parity indices in demographic and non-demographic domains]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference “Gender Studies: Learning, Research, and Practice” and the Workshop for Young Researchers “Gender Studies: Education, Gender Equality, Democracy, and Peace” (Kyiv, Ukraine, April 16-20, 2018). Kropyvnytskyi: KOD, pp.122-125. http://gestproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Final-GeStProceedingsKyiv2018.pdf [in Ukrainian].
11. Akbash K.S, Pasichnyk N.O., Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017) Staty`sty`ka ta indy`katory` sfery` osvity` z vraxuvannyam g`endernogo faktoru: prakty`chny`j posibny`k (navchal`ny`j material dlya seminariv zi staty`sty`chny`x dany`x i pokazny`kiv osvity`) [Gender Statistics and Indicators: A Practical Guide (Training Material for Seminars on Statistics and Education Indicators)]. Kropyvnytsky, FOP Lysenko S.V. 52 pp. [in Ukrainian].
12. Pasichnyk N.O., Rizhniak R.Ya. (2016) Genderna asy`metriya pry`rodny`cho-matematy`chnoyi osvity` Kirovograds`koyi oblasti [Gender asymmetry of natural and mathematical education of Kirovograd region] All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference "Problems of development of the region: industrial and economic aspect": abstracts. - Pervomaisk: PPI NUK, 2016. - P. 145–148. [in Ukrainian].
13. Pasichnyk N.O., Ryzhnyak R.Ya. FORMUVANNYa UMIN` OPERUVATY` STATY`STY`ChNY`MY` POKAZNY`KAMY` GENDERNOYi RIVNOSTI U MAJBUTNIX FAXIVCIV Z OSVITNIX VY`MIRYuVAN` [THE FORMATION OF SKILLS TO OPERATE STATISTICAL INDICATORS OF GENDER EQUALITY OF THE FUTURE EXPERTS IN EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENTS]. SCIENTIFIC NOTES. - Issue 12. - Series: Problems of Methodology of Physical-Mathematical and Technological Education. Part 2. - Kropyvnytsky: RVV KDPU them. V. Vynnychenko, 2017. P. 23-31. https://phm.cuspu.edu.ua/ojs/index.php/NZ-PMFMTO/article/viewFile/1303/1276 [in Ukrainian].
14. Pasichnyk N.O., Ryzhnyak R.Ya. (2017) GENDER PARITY IN EDUCATIONAL SPHERE OF KIROVOHRAD REGION. Collection of scientific works "Pedagogical Sciences". Volume 3 No. 78. P. 193-199 https://ps.journal.kspu.edu/index.php/ps/article/view/3493/3089
15. Ryzhnyak R.Ya. (2017) Genderny`j analiz yak osnova efekty`vnosti gendernoyi osvity`. [Gender analysis as a basis for the effectiveness of gender education]. Abstracts of International School “Gender Studies: Teaching, Learning and Studying”. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, March 13-17, 2017. С.34-35. http://gestproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Final_Compendium_UA_2017.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Професійний профіль та експертиза
З 2015 по 2019 рік Н.Пасічник була відповідальним виконавцем проекту «Програма підготовки Гендерні Студії: крок до демократії та миру у сусідніх до ЄС країнах з різними традиціям» (561785-EPP-1-2015-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP ).
Протягом останніх років брала участь у заходах, присвячених дослідженням Європейського Союзу:
1) МІЖНАРОДНА КОНФЕРЕНЦІЯ «Гендер, ідентичність та освіта». 23-25 травня 2016 р. (Університет Султана Мулая Слімана, Бені-Меллаль, Марокко);
2) МІЖНАРОДНА ШКОЛА Гендерні дослідження: викладання, навчання та навчання, 24-28 жовтня 2016 р. (Вищий інститут образотворчого мистецтва м.Сус, Туніс);
3) Міжнародне стажування: психо-педагогічний аспект гендерних досліджень, 25-29 червня 2018 р. (Університет Аристотеля, Салоніки, Греція).
Спираючись на європейський досвід, Пасічник Н.О. розробила курс «Основи гендерних досліджень», який викладається з 2016 року для магістрів спеціальності 011 Освітні, педагогічні науки (Освітні вимірювання. Гендерні дослідження: науковий аспект).
Автор 17 наукових публікацій з гендерної проблематики (у тому числі підручника «Теоретико-прикладні основи гендерних досліджень»).
Пасічник Н.О. є членом Міждисциплінарного наукового центру прикладних досліджень ЦДПУ. Одним із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження центру є гендерна проблематика.
Має два сертифікати про неперервну освіту в галузі гендеру за результатами проходження курсів навчання на платформі онлайн-освіти Prometheus в Україні.
Основні публікації за тематикою проекту:
1. Akbash K. S., Pasichnyk N. O., Rizhniak R. Ya. (2018). Generalization of calculation methods for gender indices in demographic and social statistics. Regional Statistics, Vol. 8. No. 2. 2018. pp.170-183. DOI: 10.15196/RS080205 http://www.ksh.hu/docs/hun/xftp/terstat/2018/rs080205.pdf
2. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2019) Adaptation of the UN’s gender in equality index to Ukraine’s regions. Regional Statistics; Budapest, Vol. 9. No. 2. 2019: 190–212; DOI: 10.15196/RS090208 http://www.ksh.hu/docs/hun/xftp/terstat/2019/rs090208.pdf
3. Akbash, K. S., Pasichnyk, N. O., & Rizhniak, R. Y. Teorety`ko-pry`kladni osnovy` genderny`x doslidzhen`. [Theoretical and applied foundation of gender studies]. Textbook. - Kropyvnytskyi: Publisher – V.F. Lysenko, 2019. - 340 p. Textbook - http://gestproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Akbash-Pasichnyk-Rizhniak-Theoretical-and-Applied-Basis-of-Gender-Studies-002.pdf; Textbook (E-Book) - http://gestproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Akbash-Pasichnyk-Rizhniak-E-VERSION-Theoretical-and-Applied-Basis-of-Gender-Studies.pdf [in Ukrainian].
4. Akbash, K. S., Pasichnyk, N. O., & Rizhniak, R. Y. (2019). Staty`sty`chny`j analiz gendernogo rozvy`tku regioniv Ukrayiny` [A Statistical Analysis of Gender Development in Ukrainian Regions]. Statistics of Ukraine, 86(3), 90-99. https://doi.org/10.31767/su.3(86)2019.03.10 [in Ukrainian].
5. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017). Vy`znachennya pokazny`kiv rozpodilu genderny`x grup za xarakterny`my` oznakamy`. [The determination of Indicators of the Gender Groups Distribution by Characteristic Features]. Statistics of Ukraine, 2(77), 6-12. https://doi.org/10.31767 [in Ukrainian].
6. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017). G`enderny`j analiz yak prakty`chna skladova pidgotovky` magistriv za specializaciyeyu "G`enderni studiyi: naukovy`j aspekt". [The gender analysis as a practical part of preparations of masters in the specialization “Gender studies: scientific aspect”]. Proceedings. Series: problems of physical and mathematical and technological education methods. V. 4, № 11, p.3-9. https://phm.cuspu.edu.ua/ojs/index.php/NZ-PMFMTO/article/view/1162/1141 [in Ukrainian].
7. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017). Vy`znachennya pokazny`kiv rozpodilu xarakterny`x oznak u genderny`x grupax (na pry`kladi studentiv fakul`tetu). [The Definition of Indicators of the Allocation of the Characteristic Features in Gender Groups (on an Example of Faculty Students)]. Scientific Works of Kirovohrad National Technical University. Economic Sciences. Kropyvnytskyi: CUNTU. No 31, P.236-244. https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=573124 [in Ukrainian].
8. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017). Analiz anketuvannya z gendernoyi tematy`ky` studentiv z vy`kory`stannyam pokazny`kiv py`tomoyi asy`metriyi. [The analysis of questionnaire on gender issues of students of the faculty with the use of specific indicators of asymmetry]. Grani, 20(6), 5-16. https://doi.org/10.15421/171777 [in Ukrainian].
9. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. Genderna (ne-) rivnist` vzayemovidnosy`nax pracivny`kiv fakul`tetu na osnovi analizu pokazny`kiv py`tomogo pary`tetu. [Gender (in)equality in the relations between employees of the faculty based on an analysis of specific paritet]. Research Bulletin. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. Kropyvnytskyi: KDPU them. V. Vynnychenko. V. 159. – P. 30-43. https://www.cuspu.edu.ua/images/download-files/naukovi-zapysky/159/7.pdf [in Ukrainian].
10. Akbash K.S.; Pasichnyk N.O.; Rizhniak R.Ya. (2018). Zastosuvannya prosty`x indeksiv gendernogo pary`tetu u demografichnij ta nedemografichny`x sferax. [Application of simple gender parity indices in demographic and non-demographic domains]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference “Gender Studies: Learning, Research, and Practice” and the Workshop for Young Researchers “Gender Studies: Education, Gender Equality, Democracy, and Peace” (Kyiv, Ukraine, April 16-20, 2018). Kropyvnytskyi: KOD, pp.122-125. http://gestproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Final-GeStProceedingsKyiv2018.pdf [in Ukrainian].
11. Akbash K.S, Pasichnyk N.O., Rizhniak R.Ya. (2017) Staty`sty`ka ta indy`katory` sfery` osvity` z vraxuvannyam g`endernogo faktoru: prakty`chny`j posibny`k (navchal`ny`j material dlya seminariv zi staty`sty`chny`x dany`x i pokazny`kiv osvity`) [Gender Statistics and Indicators: A Practical Guide (Training Material for Seminars on Statistics and Education Indicators)]. Kropyvnytsky, FOP Lysenko S.V. 52 pp. [in Ukrainian].
12. Pasichnyk N. (2017) Indeks gendernogo pary`tetu uchnivs`koyi molodi Kirovograds`koyi oblasti (Ukrayina). [Gender Parity Index of Student Youth of Kirovohrad Oblast (Ukraine)]. Abstracts of International School “Gender Studies: Teaching, Learning and Studying”. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, March 13-17, 2017. С.31-33. http://gestproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Final_Compendium_UA_2017.pdf [in Ukrainian].
13. Pasichnyk N.O., Rizhniak R.Ya. (2016) Genderna asy`metriya pry`rodny`cho-matematy`chnoyi osvity` Kirovograds`koyi oblasti [Gender asymmetry of natural and mathematical education of Kirovograd region] All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference "Problems of development of the region: industrial and economic aspect": abstracts. - Pervomaisk: PPI NUK, 2016. - P. 145–148. [in Ukrainian].
14. Pasichnyk N.O., Ryzhnyak R.Ya. FORMUVANNYa UMIN` OPERUVATY` STATY`STY`ChNY`MY` POKAZNY`KAMY` GENDERNOYi RIVNOSTI U MAJBUTNIX FAXIVCIV Z OSVITNIX VY`MIRYuVAN` [THE FORMATION OF SKILLS TO OPERATE STATISTICAL INDICATORS OF GENDER EQUALITY OF THE FUTURE EXPERTS IN EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENTS]. SCIENTIFIC NOTES. - Issue 12. - Series: Problems of Methodology of Physical-Mathematical and Technological Education. Part 2. - Kropyvnytsky: RVV KDPU them. V. Vynnychenko, 2017. P. 23-31. https://phm.cuspu.edu.ua/ojs/index.php/NZ-PMFMTO/article/viewFile/1303/1276 [in Ukrainian].
15. Pasichnyk N.O., Ryzhnyak R.Ya. (2017) GENDER PARITY IN EDUCATIONAL SPHERE OF KIROVOHRAD REGION. Collection of scientific works "Pedagogical Sciences". Volume 3 No. 78. P. 193-199 https://ps.journal.kspu.edu/index.php/ps/article/view/3493/3089