• вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18

Міжнародна діяльність

До уваги студентів та випускників! Відкрито конкурс на стажування у Польщі, Варшава 2016 Humanity in Action Fellowship у період з 27 травня по 26 червня 2016 р.

2016 Humanity in Action Fellowship зосереджена на відносинах між національними, етнічними, релігійними та іншими меншинами з більшістю суспільства. Це прекрасна можливість поглиблити свої знання, отримати нові навички та поділитися досвідом з іншими молодими активістами. Стипендіати, які завершили програму, мають право звернутися за цільовим фінансуванням для своїх проектів і брати участь у програмі стажувань в Конгресі США і Європейського парламенту.

Кінцевий термін подання заявки: 23 лютого 2016 року

Детальніша інформація за посиланням: http://www.humanityinaction.org/pages/220-call-for-applications

All complete applications must include the following:

Completed Application Form

The online application form will ask for personal and educational information. You will also be asked to upload one Microsoft Word document containing your Curriculum Vitae, a personal statement, a future commitment statement, a response essay and an action project proposal—in that order. Please use page breaks to separate each item from the previous one.

Curriculum Vitae

(no longer than 2 pages)

Check your CV or resume to make sure that it is current and presents your academic and professional experiences as well as your involvement in social issues. 

Personal Statement (regarding the program)

(400 words maximum)

The purpose of this personal statement is for you to convey a sense of who you are beyond your accomplishments and to explain your motivations for applying to the Humanity in Action fellowship programs. Please discuss the kinds of personal and intellectual experiences that you would bring to the Humanity in Action Fellowship. Additionally, address the reasons for applying to the fellowship, and explain how this opportunity could help you realize some of your personal and professional aspirations in the next two years.

Statement On Future Commitment (regarding the network)

(200words maximum)

This statement gives you an opportunity to convince the selection committee why you should become the next member of the Senior Fellows Network in Poland. We would like to know how do you concretely see yourself in the network – what can you contribute with (for example: skills, experiences, knowledge, ideas for collective action) and how would you like to benefit by being a network’s member in the next two years? How could you concretely help to strengthen the community?

Application Essay

(600 words maximum, Arial 12 point font, double-spaced)

We would like you to discuss some issues connected with the problem of hate speech. More specifically please write an essay responding to ONE of the following questions: 

  • Please give an example of social campaign which deals with particular human rights violation, which you found inspiring and innovative. How does the given campaign affect or can affect the  community endangered by that human rights violation? Explain what kind of problem or phenomenon it is tackling and why do you find it interesting?
  • Please choose one social campaign from those below and discuss what problem or phenomenon they are dealing with? What do you think about this particular campaign?

Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights: Translation

Powiedz stop mowie nienawiści

What If Bears Killed One In Five People?

  • The EU has approved the use of force to combat human trafficking on the Mediterranean. What challenges and potential solutions do you see for Europe facing migration crisis?

Remember that a good essay will:

  • Provide answers to the questions in a critical and creative way
  • Express key ideas clearly and concisely;
  • Use specific examples to illustrate key ideas;
  • Be free of grammatical and typographical errors (also if you use quotes and paraphrases cite them clearly when used).

Action Project Proposal

(400 words maximum, Arial 12 point font, double-spaced)

Please explain a human rights problem that you perceive around you (for example it may concern your local community), and develop a draft proposal that you could implement on your own as its leader with the help of resources that you actually have at your disposal. Explain what qualifies you to lead this project. Please note that this does not have to be the exact project which you would like to carry out in real life as a part of your Humanity in Action obligation. 

Remember that a good proposal will:

  • Address a well-diagnosed, authentic HUMAN RIGHTS problem of real importance in your community; 
  • Contribute in an innovative manner to the problem-solving process. Remember that you do not need to solve the problem. It is enough to come up with ways of effectively diminishing the problem; 
  • Be realistic and take into account your resources. Again, limit yourself to proposing courses of action that you could realistically implement. For example, do not write that certain laws in a given country need be changed, because you probably cannot accomplish that on your own; 
  • Show what qualifies you to lead the project.

 Інформація надана науковим відділом


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