Інструменти доступності

  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18

Наукові записки. Серія: Право


Petkov Sergey

Prof., DrSc., Dr.h.c.,

honor. prof. academ.MKA,

expert EEDA, Vicepresident EIDV

[email protected]

Zolotarova Mariia

Сand. of legal Sciences,

Kiyiv National Economic University

named after Vadym Hetman

[email protected]


The article analyzes the separate issues of judicial protection in affairs associated with discrimination by authorities. The practice of the European Court of Human Rights related the prohibition of discrimination is considered. The administrative courts domestic judicial practice concerning the recognition the unlawfulness of decisions, actions or inactivity of authorities and obligations to perform specific actions as a result of committing by them the acts of discriminatory nature is described.

Key words: administrative courts, discrimination, authorities, non-discrimination principle, the European Court of Human Rights

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