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Наукові записки. Серія: Право


Vladymyrova Valentyna Ivanivna

Associate Professor of Law Department

of Tsentralnoukrayinskyy

State Pedagogical University

named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko

[email protected]


Significant influence on the formation and development of legal culture in general and in educational activities, in particular, were the scientific works, practical educational activities of our outstanding teacher A.S. Makarenko (1888-1939). In his writings, we find not so many pages devoted specifically to the problems of legal education. At the same time, his developed and implemented concept of practical educational activities of youth civic education in a new environment, children's collective education of the individual in the team demonstrates clear goals for the formation of an adequate level of the formation of a citizen's legal culture, education of a human citizen and a democrat who will practice and observe laws, a citizen who will adhere to norms and rules in society, that is, a person of high civil discipline. Without a clear legal framework, the teacher sought to develop and implement certain regulatory and legal documents in all parts of the colony. note the labor commune of. F. Dzerzhinsky, developed in 1928 by A.S. Makarenko and implemented in practice the "Constitution", which had seven sections: 1) the general part, 2) the general meeting, 3) the council of commanders and subunits: 4) the working (consolidated) unit, 5) the duty, 6) the laws of the day; 7) orders and reports. This "Constitution" was, in fact, a legal document that regulated the activities and relationships of communists and teachers in the team.

Keywords: discipline, law, legal order.

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