The Interdisciplinary Scientific Center for Applied Research

The Interdisciplinary Scientific Center for Applied Research – ISCAR of the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University has been created to facilitate interdisciplinary research by the University staff, students, postgrad and postdoc scholars in the following fields of study:

  1. History, philosophy, and sociology of science.
  2. Economic history. Cliometrics.
  3. Mathematical and statistical methods in the history research. Quantitative history. Historical informatics.
  4. Applied research in special historical disciplines.
  5. Mathematical and statistical methods in social, political, psychological, and pedagogical studies.
  6. Mathematical and computer models of complex systems.
  7. Physical and mathematical modelling of natural processes and phenomena.
  8. Financial matehmatics, random processes and risk management.
  9. Applied linguistics.
  10. Socionics.
  11. Receptive poetics.
Research results

Direction 1. Construction and research of complex gender indices at the national, subnational and corporate levels; carrying out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the gender audit and expertise

Direction 2. Scientometrics of scientific research. Rating of activities of educational institutions

Direction 3. Quantitative history. History of science and technology

Center team


ISCAR documents