Інструменти доступності

  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18


УДК 342.74

DOI https://doi.org/10.36550/2522-9230.2020.8.5

 Troshkina Kateryna Evgenivna,
Candidate of Juridical Science (Ph. D.),
Lecturer at the Department of state legal disciplines
and administrative law
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State
Pedagogical University
e-mail: [email protected]



The article examines the main historical stages of the formation of a national institute of citizenship and, accordingly, in certain foreign countries. The author made a historical excursion on the legal status of citizenship in Ancient Rome and Greece in the context of a distinction between the related concepts of citizenship and the institution of citizenship. In addition, the present study examines the features of its legislative consolidation, in particular the peculiarities of this process during the period of antiquity and the bourgeois revolution in Western Europe. The author also discloses the relationship between the process of becoming a research institute in foreign countries through the prism of gradual expansion of the scope of citizens' rights. The author draws attention to the characteristic tendency of the development of the concept of citizenship institute, namely the extension of it to new social categories of that time, including women, displaced persons, migrants, foreigners. The article presents the doctrinal visions of foreign scientists on the characteristic features of periodization of becoming a citizenship institute. The study analyzed the first constitutions and laws on citizenship in foreign countries, namely the United States, France, Germany. Emphasis is placed on the significant role of historical and political events in the process of formation of the institution of citizenship in different states and directly its normative fixing. The historical and legal aspect of the process of formation of the citizenship institute on the Ukrainian lands is considered, the main stages of its development in the era of national liberation competitions are determined. The author notes that the establishment of a citizenship institute in Ukraine began much later than in the countries represented in the study. First of all, the author determines this fact by the historical and political peculiarities of the formation of the Ukrainian statehood and nation.

Key words: legal institute, citizenship, becoming of citizenship institute, Ukrainian revolution.

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