Інструменти доступності

  • вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18


The Department of Linguodidactics and Foreign Languages and School of Foreign Languages initiated a cooperation between our universities and in accordance with a mutual desire to promote activities between the two universities, Kirovohrad Volodymyr Vynnichenko State Pedagogical University and Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University, adopted a statement of intent on cultural, educational and research cooperation.

Cooperation and development of activities may extend to any fields and subjects in which the two universities may identify shared interests.

The two universities agree to the following general areas of interest and cooperation:

  • The exchange of scholars and scientists to conduct research of mutual interest
  • The exchange of professors for lectures and short term visits
  • Invitations to scholars for participation in conferences, symposia and instruction
  • The exchange of information, academic materials and publications in fields of mutual interest

And on December, 20 our good friends from Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eda ÜSTÜNEL, Director of School of Foreign Languages and Instructor Mehmet Abi, Assistant of the Director of School of Foreign Languages made their presentations: Dr. Eda ÜSTÜNEL “The State of English in Higher Education in Turkey”, Instructor Mehmet Abi “Teaching English at the Preparatory School of Foreign Languages in Turkey”.

Teaching English at the Preparatory School of Foreign Languages in Turkey

The State of English in Higher Education in Turkey


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