• вул. Шевченка, 1, м. Кропивницький
  • (0522) 32-17-18

Shakespeare would approve

It’s an honor to take parts in such an inspiring contest. But it’s the greater honor to be the winner of the National Shakespeare Competition 2019! 25th April was day X. Some participants asked me about my secret but the only my answer was: “No secret, only loyal love to Shakespeare”. That love to his works was so strong that only his sonnets could answer my questions and feel my mood. Even since school times my soul has been stretching to gorgeous things - English poetry.


I remember the classes of English literature where I first explored the greater authors and seemed to be a discoverer.

So my idea to participate was absolutely accidental because I adored performing the poetry in front of my mom and cat. So I decided to level up and do it in front of the crowd. My aim was to make others feel the pain or passion of Shakespeare’s sonnets. My ears seemed to be delighted while other talented and ambitious participants performed  the sonnets. Suddenly I heard my name and I was the last one to perform so I just disappeared into poetry and enthusiasitic eyes of audience. When everyone applauded I felt that William Shakespeare would probably approve.

Kamilla Kuliieva

Winner of the Shakespeare Competition 2019


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