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Success in Ukrainian track and field athletic competition

Recently in Cherkasy among the students of different universities took place Ukrainian track and field athletic contest “XXVII memorial of the Hero of the Soviet Union, professor Oleksandr Vasyliovych Tkanko”.

242 participants from different regions of Ukraine took part in the contest. Kirovohrad was represented by the students from KNTU and KSPU.

According to Serhij Vasyliovych Bondarenko (the Head of the Chair of Theory and Methodology of Olympic and Professional Sport, the candidate of science (pedagogic), associate professor) the sportsmen of our university take part in the tournament every year. Each time they try hard to prepare for the contests, that is why they have trainings twice a day despite mood and weather conditions. As a result they get prize places every year.

The sportsmen all over Ukraine demonstrate their skills. According to the coach Viacheslav Andriiovych Nishchemenko, the win was not an easy deal for Kirovohrag sportsmen as the rivals were strong and some of them had better conditions for the preparation. But we can be proud of our sportsmen whose enthusiasm, talent and great wish helped them to glorify their alma mater.

The results of two-day contest are the following: the first place goes to Te Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasyh team, the second place goes to the Kirovohrad State Volodymyr Vynnychenko Pedagogical University and the third one goes to Cherkasy Institue of Fire Safety.

The KSPU winners and prizewinners of the contest:

Paladij Mariia – I place – 400m, II place – 200m

Alimsky Volodymyr – I place – high jump

Brynza Ruslan – II place – high jump

Diubanova Aliona – I place – triple jump

Paladij M. , Torbenko M, Hryishvili H., Karhanopolova A. have got the first place for the relay race.

Our sportsmen are thankful to their instructors, coaches and the University Administration for their moral and financial support.

Congratulations to our athletes, who made famous not only KSPU, but also the whole Kirovohrad region. We wish them more wins, good luck and health in new 2016 year!

Photo: Maryna Kisiliova

The information provided by media-group “University Meridian”