Testing the Police

December was the most tense period of this year for our university. It was not an exception for students and instructors of the Pedagogy and Psychology Department. They took part in the New Police selection contest as assistants. Among them were: the instructor of the psychology chair Kulish Viktor Ivanovych, the specialist of the KSPU Psychological Service Zavatska Olha Oleksandrivna, the graduate student of the Pedagogy and Psychology Department Romaniv Yana, and the students of Group 58 Omelchenko Tetiana, Fishchuk Maryna and Franchuk Anna.

news 2015 12 22 10 51

The participants of the testing were lucky to become the members of the Civic Organisation “Ukrainian Psychodiagnostic Association”. Our psychologists showed the high level of professionalism and helped to select the best out of all the applicants to be in Kirovohrad Police.