Поселення в гуртожитки у 2024 році

 - Факультет педагогіки, психології та мистецтв
 - Факультет математики, природничих наук та технологій
 - Факультет української філології, іноземних мов та соціальних комунікацій
 - Факультет фізичного виховання
 - Факультет історії, бізнес-освіти та права

Гостини з нагоди 50-річчя ЗДО №22 «Оленка»

21 вересня ЗДО №22 «Оленка» (ясла-садок компенсуючого типу для дітей із вадами опорно-рухового апарату) відзначав свій ювілей. Кафедру дошкільної та початкової освіти зв’язують давні й дружні зв’язки з цим закладом освіти: проведення спільних круглих столів та методичних семінарів, майстер класів, конференцій з актуальних проблем дошкільної освіти. Заклад є базою для проведення виробничих практик здобувачів вищої освіти.

Спеціалізовані вчені ради Центральноукраїнського державного університету імені Володимира Винниченка

Проводяться захисти дисертацій на здобуття

наукових ступенів кандидата наук, доктора філософії та доктора наук

Mission, strategic goal and objectives of the university

The mission of the University is to promote the modernization of Ukrainian society through the provision of high-quality educational services and the implementation of innovative scientific research, the training of competitive specialists for educational and other fields with a high level of general and professional competence, intellectual activity, social responsibility, the dissemination of scientific knowledge, cultural and educational activities, preservation and multiplication of the best traditions of university education, formation of intellectual, social and spiritual capital of society, ready for the challenges of the future.

The strategic goal of the University's development until 2026 is the comprehensive training of competitive teachers, lecturers, specialists in other specialties who are able to live and create in the information society, the global world environment; to be a citizen of Europe and the world and, at the same time, a devoted patriot of the Ukrainian state, a spokesman for national interests; to work at the level of modern educational technologies in the conditions of integration into the European community.

Achieving the strategic goal of the University's development involves the effective implementation of educational, scientific, educational and socially oriented components of activity as tasks of the University's future development.

Educational component of activity:

- preserving and improving the quality of training of teaching staff for the region in accordance with state standards of higher education, requirements of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School;

– implementation of a system of professional development for teaching staff and specialists of other specialties;

- improvement and expansion of the range of educational services through the study of the needs of specialists in pedagogical and other profiles to provide the region with competitive personnel.

Scientific component of activity:

- ensuring the organic unity of the content of education and scientific activity;

- acquisition of new scientific knowledge by conducting scientific research and development;

- directing the creation and implementation of new competitive technologies, types of equipment, materials, etc. to ensure innovative development of society, training of modern highly qualified specialists;

– application of new scientific, scientific and technical knowledge during the training of specialists with higher education;

– formation of modern scientific personnel potential capable of ensuring the development and implementation of innovative scientific developments;

- formation of topics of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in accordance with current directions of development of fundamental and applied science, tasks of progressive socio-economic development of Ukraine.

Educational and socially oriented component of activity:

- formation of a generation of Ukrainian intelligentsia, which is able to determine the purpose of its life, identify and solve priority problems of the development of society, have an active and creative position as a citizen of Ukraine;

- promoting the formation of a morally healthy specialist, able to fully act in constantly changing conditions;

- preservation and development of the University as a center of culture and educational activities in the region.

An important condition for the successful implementation of the University Development Strategy for 2022-2026 is the coordinated, consistent and persistent work of the entire university community.

Результати опитування здобувачів третього (освітньо-наукового рівня) вищої освіти спеціальності 113 Прикладна математика (10-13.04.20223)

Академічна англійська мова

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ЗАДОВОЛЕНІСТЬ ОНП_Прикладна математика

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