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Montclair State University 1991

Itinerary for Dean Oleksandr Bilous

Montclair State University 1991

Friday October2

12.25pm Arrival at Union Station, Newark, NJ from Washington, DC

1pm Arrival at Montclair State University

Global Education Center

22 Normal Ave, Montclair, NJ 07043

Saturday October 3  Montclair State University Homecoming

12pm Optional: Homecoming Parade Amphitheater

1:30pm MSU Carnival

2 pm Career Services Open House

3pm Town tour and grocery shopping with Medea

8pm Optional: "Kurtag's Ghosts" Piano Concert with Marino Formenti

Kasser Theatre

Sunday October 4

Monday October 5

12 pm Official Campus Tour

College Hall, Undergraduate Admissions

2:30 pm Meeting with Dr. Bryan Terry,

Dean of Enrollment and Student Academic Services regarding Dean Bilous’ schedule at Montclair State University

Morehead Hall 300

Tuesday October 6

9:30am – Attend meeting of Financial Aid Staff

President’s Conference Room, College Hall

12:00 Lunch with Jason Langdon, Director of Admissions

Red Hawk Diner

7 pm -10pm Optional: 5th Annual Night of Art, Office of Student Involvement event

Student Center and Annex, Room: Dining Room

Wednesday October 7

10am Meeting with Gregory Waters, Director of the Honors Program regarding Honors Scholarship Program recruitment

College Hall, 121

11:00am Attend Admissions Staff Meeting

College Hall Room 100

1pm- 4:30pm Optional: 27th Annual New Jersey Law School Admissions Day

Student Center and Annex, Room: Ballrooms

Student event with law school admissions directors from around the country to discuss the admissions process and financial aid.

Thursday October 8

10am Meeting with Michael Brown,

Director of Educational Opportunity Programs regarding special admissions, financial aid and academic support for highly motivated low-income students

Morehead Hall 205

11am Meeting with Bertha Diggs, Associate Director of Educational Opportunity Programs

Morehead Hall 207

1:30pm-2:30pm Optional: Applying to Graduate School Information Session

Morehead Hall Room 320

Information Session about the graduate school admissions process

Friday October 9

10:30am Meeting with Jamieson Bilella,

Director of Summer Sessions and Special Programs regarding summer undergraduate or graduate courses for MSU and Visiting students

College Hall 215

2:00pm Meeting with Jackie Leighton, Director of International Services

Global Education Center

Saturday October 10

Sunday October 11

10am- 3 pm Optional: Open House for Freshmen Students,

Transfer and Adult Students, Student Center

Open House programs are large-scale events (usually between 2,800–3,500 visitors) with Faculty representatives, along with representatives from Financial Aid, Residence Education, Athletics, Greek Life and other Student Organizations

Monday October 12

11:00am Meeting with Dean Judith Hunt regarding library organization

and usage Sprague Library

2:00pm Meeting with Dean Karen Pennington

Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life

Student Center Room 403

Tuesday October 13

1pm Meeting with Paula Maliandi, Interim Director of University Communications

Regarding internal and external communications about Montclair State University through newspapers and all other media

College Hall 306G

Wednesday October 14

4pm-5 pm Optional: Financial Management Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to help students in organizing and managing financial aspects of their stay at MSU

University Hall, Room: 2026

Thursday October 15

11am-11:30am Optional :Teacher Education Admissions Workshop

Student Center and Annex, Room: Ballroom B

This workshop is for anyone who is considering a profession in teaching. The aim is to learn about the steps involved to prepare and apply to the Teacher Education Program. 

2pm – 4pm Enrollment Management Kick Off Meeting

Student Center Room 419

Data sharing event regarding enrollment management with Provost,

Deans, chairs, and key administrators

6:30pm Optional : MBA, MS in Chemistry/MBA Information Session

Partridge Hall, Room 332

Information Session about the graduate school admissions process , entrance requirements, academics, and career and internship/cooperative education opportunities

Friday October 16

Saturday October 17

Sunday October 18

Monday October 19

11:45am Lunch with Rita Jacobs

Faculty Dining Room, Student Center

Tuesday October 20

Wednesday October 21

To be confirmed: College Board Conference in NYC all day

1pm-3pm Optional: Majors and Minors Fair 2009

Student Center and Annex, Ballrooms

Various Departments are represented by faculty and staff

Organized by Center for Academic Advising and Adult Learning

Thursday October 22 To be confirmed: College Board Conference in NYC all day

6 pm Optional: Financial Aid symposium at Montclair High School

For more information, contact

The MHS Guidance Dept. at (973) 509-4118

6:30 pm *Montclair High School College and Career Fair*

Information session at high school with colleges from all over US

Friday October 23 To be confirmed: College Board Conference in NYC all day

Saturday October 24

8:30am-2:30pm Optional: NJ Statewide Higher Education ESL Conference

(Registration needed)

Focus of the Conference : "Technology & Teaching: Integrating New Applications into the ESL Curriculum," full of very practical and pedagogically sound ways to incorporate technology into your teaching

Sunday October 25

12pm-3 pm Optional: Graduate Open House

University Hall- Conference Center (7th Floor)

Monday October 26

Tuesday October 27

2:00pm Enrollment Management Staff Meeting

Morehead Hall Room 300

Wednesday October 28

Thursday October 29

Friday October 30

9:30am Meeting with Provost, Dr. Willard Gingerich

College Hall

Saturday October 31

Sunday November 1

Monday November 2

Tuesday November 3

Wednesday November 4

Thursday November 5

2pm- 4:30pm Optional: Career Fair (the Center for Career Services)

University Hall, 7th floor Conference Center

Friday November 6

Saturday November 7

Sunday November 8

10am- 3 pm Optional: Open House for Freshmen Students

Student Center

Monday November 9

Tuesday November 10

Wednesday November 11

Thursday November 12

Friday November 13

Saturday November 14

Sunday November 15

Monday November 16 Departure from Montclair State University

To be confirmed:

Mukherjee, Margaret


Financial Aid

Candal-Fernandez, Lucy
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
College Hall 208
[email protected]
Phone: 973 655-7019

Guli, Patricia A
Associate Director of Student Financial Aid
College Hall 208
[email protected]
Phone: 973 655-4461

New Student orientation

Michele Campagna
Director of New Student Experience
Morehead Hall Room 101
[email protected]
Phone: 973-655-7609

Rachel Amos
Associate Director
Morehead Hall Room 116
[email protected]
Phone: 973-655-7839

Kathy Sadowsky
First Year Counselor
Morehead Hall Room 101A
[email protected]
Phone: 973-655-5371

Student Caseload TBA

Franklin Johnson
Program Assistant
Morehead Hall Room 101
[email protected]
Phone: 973-655-7609

Fred L. Stolarski Visit Experience Coordinator(open house coordinator)

Undergraduate Admissions
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 973 655-6919

Julie Hile
Admissions Recruiter
[email protected]

Nadia Sheikh
Admissions EOF Recruiter
[email protected]

Tayler, Marily
Dickson Hall 315
[email protected],
ext 4196

27th Annual New Jersey Law School Admissions Day

Fatima DeCarvalho
Assistant Dean for Student Life
[email protected]
(973) 655-7818

Julie Fleming
Evening and Weekend Program Coordinator
[email protected]
(973) 655-7819

Pauline Elizabeth Allen
Title: Director, Student Employment and Internships
Department(s): The Center for Career Services and Cooperative Education
Room Number: MO-321
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 973 655-7203