Senior Lecturer, M.A., Adam Mickiewicz University Faculty of

Educational Studies, Poznań, Poland

e-mail: [email protected]


    Museums display and represent cultures, they allow visitors to read, see and experience art, virtual museums doubly so – they bring art closer to the viewers. By enabling encounters with the world heritage in a virtual art museum, impossible to achieve for many young people in the real world, such technologies can help them realize that art means timeless values and that dialog across time boundaries is possible. The problem of cultural aspects in young people’s education, including education «through art and to art», is becoming a challenge faced by the contemporary school. «Knowledge has become common property, but the way in which knowledge is converted into meaningful experiences, education, professional and social memories is an open marketplace, in which the museums can have a field day if they will break with their norms and tradition boundself image (...) Within the schools and education area, it is important to have a variety of learning forms and to challenge the analogue and the digital opportunities for expression» (Skaarup, 2014, p. 106). Computers open up new opportunities in the process of discovering art. They also create new paths for teachers adapting presentations to their own and their students’ needs. When searching for ways of making young people participate in culture, teachers may consider the fact that we are dealing with the generation of «digital natives». New technologies give young people an opportunity to reach for the values available to all of us because art – by presenting existential dilemmas, dialectics of joy and suffering, lasting and passing – creates such a possibility. All that is needed is a wise, responsible guide – a highly competent teacher can surely become one. His/her competences must above all also include information and computer skills.

Keywords: adolescents, virtual museum, teaching about cultural heritage of other nations, culture, values, art reception, Google Art Project, transborderness, open mind, information technology.

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