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FOKA Mariya Volodymyrivna

Candidate of Philologycal Sciences,

Postdoctoral Student of Ukrainian Literature Department,

Senior Lecturer of Linguodidactics and

Foreign Languages Department,

Kirovohrad Volodymyr Vynnychenko

State Pedagogical University

e-mail: [email protected]


One of such topical problems of the pedagogical rhetoric is the creation of the subtext as a method of suggestive influence. Originally, it was represented in «Rhetoric» by Aristotle.
The studying of public speaking focused mainly on the methods of influence on listeners where subtexts and suggestions had a great role.
Subtext arises in such main methods of proofs as examples and enthymemes.
The subtext phenomenon constitutes as the enthymeme which Aristotle terms as the syllogism where one of premises or parts is dropped out but is meant.
Aristotle explores the nature of the enthymeme, the peculiarities of its creation, underlining that the enthymeme is the most emphatic of the other methods of proofs.
The relation with subtext evolves through the comparisons and the fables where the truth is supplied in symbols, images, and allegories, in other words, it is hidden, suggested to listeners. The use of comparisons and fables as illustrative materials for good evidence of some thoughts or phenomena is very effectual. The use of such impressive illustrative materials shows both orators’ and listeners’ high culture, because the subtext effects need the adequate decoding for understanding the hidden truth.
Aristotle determines that it is the audience that is a final goal for orators. So, the scholar studies the portrait of hearers, because the success consists in the understanding of the audience.
Also the philosopher analyses «the emotions» in detail, character traits, social positions etc., the knowledge of which helps an orator to create his speech in such a way to have influence on the hearers, their mood, thoughts, decisions, and judgements.
The speech has a great sense, it must be both influential and impressive. And in this case the metaphor has an exact signification; because by its nature it has a hidden and implicit meaning and has a fantastic influence on the audience. The metaphor has a powerful effect of influence on the listeners, their mood, emotions, and thoughts. Considering the rhetorical style features, including what characteristics the style must have for effective impact on the audience, Aristotle is concerned with the question of expressiveness which is known to be often associated with emotional overtones.
Such an emotional impact on the audience evokes confidence, even defusing the semantic quality of speech.
The achievement of a goal by the way of belief that influences the hearer’s consciousness, and the achievement of a goal by the way of suggestion that influences the hearer’s sub-consciousness, are closely intertwined. But in every way of speech influence subtext and its effects are very significant and valuable.

Key words: Aristotle, subtext, rhetoric, pedagogical rhetoric, example, enthymeme, metaphor, expressiveness, orator, listener.

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1. Клочек Г. Мистецтво сторітелінгу в сучасній педагогічній риториці / Г. Клочек // Дивослово. – 2015. – № 6. – С. 27–30.

2. Aristotle. The Art of Rhetoric / Aristotle; with an English translation; by John Henry Freese, formerly fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge. – London: William Heinemann; New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1926. – 491, [5] p. – (The Loeb Classical Library).