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Emeritus Professor & Former Pro Vice-Chancellor The University of Newcastle, Australia,

Honorary Research Fellow, University of Oxford, UK, Adjunct Research Professor, Royal Roads University, Canada

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1. Adalbjarnardottir, S. (2010). Passion and purpose: Teacher professional development and student social and civic growth. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 737–764). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

2. Abdul-Samad, S. (2010). Facilitating values education leadership through discovery of personal beliefs and values. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 455–470). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

3. ADEEWR (2008). At the heart of what we do: Values education at the centre of schooling. Report of the Values Education Good Practice Schools Project – Stage 2. Melbourne: Curriculum Corporation. Retrieved 12 September from:

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6. ADEST (2006). Implementing the national framework for values education in Australian schools: Report of the Values Education Good Practice Schools Project – Stage 1: Final report, September 2006. Melbourne: Curriculum Corporation. Retrieved 12 September, 2016 from: EGPS1_FINAL_REPORT_081106.pdf

7. Arthur, J., & Wilson, K. (2010). New research directions in character and values education in the UK. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 339–358). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

8. Benninga, J., & Tracz, S. (2010). Continuity and discontinuity in character education. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 521-548). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

9. Carr, D. (2010). Personal and professional values in teaching. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 63–74). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

10. Churchland, P. (2012). Braintrust: What neuroscience tells us about morality. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

11. Clement, N. (2010). Student wellbeing at school: The actualisation of values in education. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 37–62). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

12. Cockerill, A. (1999). Each one must shine: The educational legacy of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. New York: Peter Lang.

13. Dasoo, N. (2010). Nurturing teacher wellbeing through values education. . In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 359–376). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

14. Farrer, F. (2010). Re-visiting the «Quiet Revolution». In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 395–408). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

15. Gellel, A. (2010). Teachers as key players in values education: Implications for teacher formation. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 163–178). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

16. Hawkes, N. (2010). Values education and the national curriculum in England. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 225–238). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

17. Immordino-Yang, M. H. (2011). Implications of affective and social neuroscience for educational theory. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43(1), 98– 103.

18. Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (2010). The impact of social interdependence on values education and student wellbeing. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 825–848). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

19. Kristjannson, K. (2010). Valuing the self. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 179–194). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

20. Lovat, T. (2018). Spirituality in Australian education: A legacy of confusion, omission and obstruction. In M. de Souza & L. Halafoff (Eds.), Reenchanting education and spiritual wellbeing (pp. 36– 47). London: Routledge.

21. Lovat, T. & Schofield, N. (2004). Values education for all schools and systems: A justification and experimental update. New Horizons in Education, 111, 4–13.

22. Lovat, T., Toomey, R., Dally, K., & Clement, N. (2009). Project to test and measure the impact of values education on student effects and school ambience. Report for the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (ADEEWR) by The University of Newcastle, Australia. Canberra: DEEWR. Retrieved 12 September, 2016 from: _to_Test_and_Measure_the_Impact_of_Values_Educati on.pdf

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24. Lovat, T., Dally, K., Clement, N. & Toomey, R. (2011). Values pedagogy and student achievement: Contemporary research evidence. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

25. Narvaez, D. (2010). Building a sustaining classroom climate for purposeful ethical citizenship. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education
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26. Narvaez, D. (2014). Neurobiology and the development of human morality: Evolution, culture, and wisdom. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.

27. Nielsen, T. (2010). Towards pedagogy of giving for wellbeing and social engagement. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 617–630). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

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29. Osterman, K. (2010). Teacher practice and students’ sense of belonging. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 239–260). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

30. Robinson, W., & Campbell, R. (2010). School values and effective pedagogy: Case studies of two leading edge schools in England. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 75-90). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

31. Sukhomlinska, O. (2010). Values education and whole person development in Ukraine: The role of Vasyl Sukhomlinsky and current applications (A. Lenchovska, Addition & Trans.). In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 549–558). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

32. Sukhomlinsky, V. A. (1981). To children I give my heart. (transl. H. Smith) Moscow: Progress.

33. Tirri, K. (2010). Teacher values underlying professional ethics. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 153–162). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

34. Tooth, R. (2010). Using a new body/mind place-based narrative pedagogy to teach values education in the age of sustainability. In T. Lovat, R. Toomey & N. Clement (Eds.), International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing (pp. 937–946). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.