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CHERNIONKOV Yaroslav Olexandrovych –

Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Department of Linguodidactics and Foreign Languages, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Centralukrainian State Pedagogical University

e-mail: [email protected]


   This research was conducted to determine, outline the main characteristics, improvement, psychologicalpedagogical basis of the concepts of «individualization», «individualization of the professional training of the future teacher of foreign languages» at higher pedagogical educational institutions. The author investigated and analyzed the leading component of personality development (it manifests itself in the organization of psychologically-comfortable conditions for professional training); the components of student’s psychological-pedagogical readiness for the process of self-education have been determined (motivational, cognitive operational-active, personal-reflexive); the conditions of individualization of psychological-pedagogical training of the future specialist in the branch of foreign languages have been outlined (the goal can be achieved under reorientation of different psychological, pedagogical disciplines and courses); the general optimal conditions for the development of the future teacher of foreign languages at specialized faculties have been highlighted (a person-oriented way of training); the concept of «monitoring» and «diagnostics» have been analyzed (monitoring is possible in three forms: start diagnostics; current diagnostics; final diagnostics). It was noted that the individualization of professional training is: such an organization of the educational process, which involves the selection of means, the pace of learning, taking into account the individual characteristics of those who study; a number of educational, methodological, psychological-pedagogical and organizational-managerial measures that provide an individual approach. The author defined the individualization of professional training as the organization of the process of informing the students of the relevant special knowledge and skills development taking into account their individual characteristics, which creates the optimal conditions for the realization of the potential opportunities of each student. Individualization of professional-pedagogical training does not allow leveling the differences between those who study, promotes the development of each student of their unique abilities and aims at highly qualified training for professional activity.

Key words: psychological-pedagogical component, psychological peculiarities, pedagogical peculiarities, psychological-pedagogical conditions, components of professional-pedagogical readiness, self-education, psychologicalpedagogical training, optimal conditions of student's development, communicative approach, diagnostics, monitoring.

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